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Configure a permanent replyTo queue for JAX-RPC web services using SOAP over JMS (deprecated)

When using two-way web service communications using the IBM proprietary SOAP over JMS transport, we can benefit from configuring a permanent replyTo queue on JAX-RPC web services client to prevent the client from having to create a temporary reply queue each time a web service request is made.

Deprecated feature: Beginning with WebSphere Application Server 7.0, the IBM proprietary SOAP over JMS protocol is deprecated in favor of the emerging industry standard protocol. Use the IBM proprietary SOAP over JMS protocol with the JAX-WS or JAX-RPC web services, however, we are encouraged to take advantage of the SOAP over JMS protocol standard. This task describes configuring a permanent replyTo queue when using the IBM proprietary SOAP over JMS transport. To learn more about the SOAP over JMS standard, see the using SOAP over JMS to transport web services documentation.depfeat

A permanent replyTo queue is configured on the web services client in one of the following ways:

To set the permanent replyTo queue using any of these options, only client-side configuration is necessary. There is no configuration necessary on the web service provider side.


Your web services client can now receive IBM proprietary SOAP over JMS messages from a permanent replyTo queue.

  • Use SOAP over JMS to transport web services
  • Task overview: Implementing web services applications
  • Java virtual machine custom properties
  • IBM proprietary SOAP over JMS protocol (deprecated)
  • SOAP over JMS protocol
  • IBM proprietary JMS endpoint URL syntax (deprecated)