Use the Apache Wink REST client inside server applications to issue requests
Use the Apache Wink REST client as a client that can be run to send requests to the JAX-RS application.
The Apache Wink REST client is a Java-based HTTP client. This client provides convenience methods for using REST services. The JAX-RS specification does not currently define a standard client API. IBM JAX-RS provides the Apache Wink REST client API as an easy to use client that enables easier integration with existing programs.
- Configure the development environment. Before we start developing JAX-RS applications, we must set up the development environment by adding the JAX-RS libraries on the classpath.
- Implement a client using the Apache Wink Rest client. Use the Apache Wink RestClient API to create a stand-alone client that can send requests to the JAX-RS application.
We have implemented a JAX-RS client using the Apache Wink Rest client that can issue requests to a JAX-RS application.
- Set up a development environment for JAX-RS applications
The application server provides command-line tools to develop web services clients and implementations that are based on the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) specification. We must set up the development environment before starting developing web services.- Implementing clients that use the Apache Wink REST client
Use the Apache Wink REST client to send requests and process responses from RESTful services. Use the client API in Java programs to communicate with web services.
Implement clients that use the Apache Wink REST client Web services specifications and APIs