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Use the JAXB runtime to marshal and unmarshal XML documents

Use the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) run time to manipulate XML instance documents.

Use JAXB to generate Java classes from an XML schema with the schema compiler, xjc command or to generate an XML schema from a Java class with the schema generator, schemagen command.

Use JAXB APIs and tools to establish mappings between an XML schema and Java classes. After data bindings exist, use the JAXB binding runtime API to convert XML instance documents to and from Java objects. Data stored in an XML document is accessible without the need to understand the data structure. JAXB annotated classes and artifacts contains all the information that the JAXB runtime API needs to process XML instance documents. The JAXB runtime API enables marshaling of JAXB objects to XML and unmarshaling the XML document back to JAXB class instances.


We can now marshal JAXB Java classes, and unmarshal XML data using the JAXB binding framework. Refer to the JAXB Reference implementation documentation for additional information about the marshal and unmarshal runtime APIs

If Java 2 Security is enabled, wrap the JAXBContext.newInstance(), Unmarshaller.unmarshal() and, Marshaller.marshal() method calls within a AccessController.doPrivileged method to avoid a security exception.. .


  • JAXB
  • Use JAXB for XML data binding
  • Use JAXB schemagen tooling to generate an XML schema file from a Java class
  • Use JAXB xjc tooling to generate JAXB classes from an XML schema file
  • Configure the was.policy file for Java 2 security
  • Web services specifications and APIs
  • JAXB 2.2 Reference implementation