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Set up a development environment for web services

The application server provides command-line tools to develop web services clients and implementations that are based on the Web Services for Java EE specification. Set up the development environment before starting developing web services.

Set up a web services development environment by completing the following actions.


  1. Set up the environment.

      cd /profile_root/<application_server>/bin directory.


    We can also set %WAS_USER_SCRIPT%=profile_root\<application_server>\bin\setupCmdLine.bat, which has the same effect as running the setupCmdLine command.

  2. Add WebSphere and Java bin directories to path...

      set PATH=%WAS_PATH%;%PATH%

We have set up an environment so that we can develop Web services.


  • Accessing the samples
  • Task overview: Implementing web services applications
  • Web services specifications and APIs