Update the Web Services Security runtime configuration
Update Web Services Security runtime configuration with any data changes that you make and save for token providers, trust service attachments, and targets.
Before you update the Web Services Security runtime configuration, make the required data changes for token providers, trust service attachments, and targets. Save the changes before applying the changes to the Web Services Security runtime configuration.
Whether the confirmation window appears depends on whether the Show confirmation for update runtime command check box is selected. Expand Preferences from the Token providers panel, the Trust service attachments panel, or the Targets panel to see the Show confirmation for update runtime command check box. Preferences are collapsed by default.
- If we select the check box, then the confirmation window is displayed before updates to the security runtime configuration are made. The check box is selected by default.
- If we do not select the check box, then updates to the security runtime configuration are made immediately, without first displaying the confirmation window. The confirmation window does not appear again until you re-select the checkbox located under Preferences.
Or, instead of deselecting the check box under Preferences, we can select the Do not show this message again check box on the Update runtime confirmation panel.
- Perform one of the following tasks:
- Services > Trust service > Trust service attachments
- Services > Trust service > Token providers
- Services > Trust service > Targets
- Click Update Runtime. If we did not select the Show confirmation for update runtime command check box, all changes are made immediately without displaying the confirmation window.
- Optional: Confirm or cancel when the confirmation window appears. If we selected the Show confirmation for update runtime command check box, all changes require confirmation and the confirmation window is displayed.
After clicking Update Runtime, the configuration changes you made on the Token providers, the Trust service attachments, or the Targets panel are updated for the Web Services Security runtime configuration.
What to do next
We can also manage and administer the trust service . The wsadmin tool examples are written in the Jython scripting language.
After configuring the trust service targets, attachments, and tokens, next configure the secure conversation client cache, if you have not already completed this step.
- Web services update runtime settings
Confirm that the web services trust service runtime should be updated with the most recent configuration changes.
Related tasks
Configure attachments for the trust service using the administrative console Configure the security context token provider for the trust service using the administrative console Configure trust service endpoint targets using the administrative console Configure secure sessions between clients and services