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Configure the security bindings on a server acting as a client using the administrative console

Use the web services client editor within an assembly tool to include the binding information, that describes how to run the security specifications found in the extensions, in the client EAR file.

When configuring a client for Web Services Security, the bindings describe how to run the security specifications found in the extensions. Use the web services client editor within an assembly tool to include the binding information in the client EAR file.

We can configure the client-side bindings from a pure client accessing a web service or from a web service accessing a downstream web service. Complete the following steps to find the location in which to edit the client bindings from a web service running on the server. When a web service communicates with another web service, configure client bindings to access the downstream web service.


  1. Deploy the web service using the WAS administrative console. Click Applications > Install New Application.

    Access the administrative console:


    See installing a new application.

  2. Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name.

  3. Under Manage modules, click URI_name.

  4. Under Web Services Security Properties, click Web Services: Client security bindings. A table displays with the following columns:

    • Component Name
    • Port
    • Web Service
    • Request Sender Binding
    • Request Receiver Binding
    • HTTP Basic Authentication
    • HTTP SSL Configuration

    For Web Services Security, we must edit the request sender binding and response receiver binding configurations. We can use the defaults for some of the information at the server level and at the cell level in WAS ND environments. Default bindings are convenient because we can configure commonly reused elements such as key locators once and then reference their aliases in the application bindings.

  5. View the default bindings for the server using the administrative console by clicking Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server . Under Additional Properties, click JAX-WS and JAX-RPC security runtime.

    Mixed-version environment: In a mixed node cell with a server using WAS version 6.1 or earlier, click Web services: Default bindings for Web Services Security.mixv

    We can configure the following sections. These topics are discussed in more detail in other sections of the documentation.

What to do next

Important: When configuring the security request sender binding configuration, we must synchronize the information used to perform the specified security with the security request receiver binding configuration, which is configured in the server EAR file. These two configurations must be synchronized in all respects because there is no negotiation during run time to determine the requirements of the server. For example, when configuring the encryption information in the security request sender binding configuration, we must use the public key from the server for encryption. Therefore, the key locator chosen must contain the public key from the server configuration. The server must contain the private key to decrypt the message. This example illustrates the important relationship between the client and server configuration. Additionally, when configuring the security response receiver binding configuration, the server must send the response using security information known by this client security response receiver binding configuration.

The following table shows the related configurations between the client and the server. The client request sender and the server request receiver are relative configurations that must be synchronized with each other. The server response sender and the client response receiver are related configurations that must be synchronized with each other. Note that related configurations are end points for any request or response. One end point must communicate its actions with the other end point because run time requirements are not required.

Client configuration Server configuration
Request sender Request receiver
Response receiver Response sender


  • Trust anchors
  • Collection certificate store
  • Key locator
  • Trusted ID evaluator
  • Login mappings
  • Configure the client for request signing: digitally signing message parts
  • Configure the client for request signing: choosing the digital signature method
  • Configure the server for request digital signature verification: Verifying the message parts
  • Configure the server for request digital signature verification: choosing the verification method
  • Configure the server for response signing: digitally signing message parts
  • Configure the server for response signing: choosing the digital signature method
  • Configure the client for response digital signature verification: verifying the message parts
  • Configure the client for response digital signature verification: choosing the verification method
  • Configure the client security bindings using an assembly tool
  • Configure the server security bindings using an assembly tool
  • Configure the server security bindings
  • Install enterprise application files with the console