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Configure the client-side collection certificate store using the administrative console

We can configure the client-side collection certificate store using the administrative console.

A collection certificate store is a collection of non-root, certificate authority (CA) certificates and certificate revocation lists (CRLs). This collection of CA certificates and CRLs are used to check the signature of a digitally signed SOAP message.

We can configure the collection certificate either using the assembly tools or the WAS administrative console. Configure the client-side collection certificate store using the administrative console.


  1. Access the administrative console:


  2. Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications > application_name.

  3. Under Manage modules, click URI_name.

  4. Under Web Services Security Properties, click Web services: Client security bindings to add the collection certificate store to the client security bindings. If we do not see any entries, return to the assembly tool and configure the security extensions for either the client or the server.

    To configure security extensions for the client, see the following topics:

  5. Under Response receiver binding, click Edit to edit the client security bindings.

  6. Click Collection certificate store.

  7. Click a Certificate store name to edit an existing certificate store or click New to add a new certificate store name.

  8. Enter a name in the Certificate store name field. The name entered in this field is a name referenced in the Certificate store field on the Signing information configuration page.
  9. Leave the Certificate store provider field value as IBMCertPath.

  10. Click Apply.

  11. Under Additional properties, click X.509 certificates > New.

  12. Enter the path to your certificate store. For example, the path might be: ${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/etc/ws-security/samples/intca2.cer. If we have any additional certificate store paths to enter, click New and add the path names.

  13. Click OK.


  • Collection certificate store
  • Configure the server-side collection certificate store
  • Configure the server-side collection certificate store using an assembly tool
  • Configure default collection certificate stores at the server level in the WAS administrative console
  • Configure the client for response digital signature verification: verifying the message parts
  • Configure the client for response digital signature verification: choosing the verification method
  • Configure the server for request digital signature verification: Verifying the message parts
  • Configure the server for request digital signature verification: choosing the verification method