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Change the order of the callers for a token or message part

Specify a caller in default and general bindings indicates which token or tokens to use to create authentication credentials. When there are multiple tokens on an incoming message, the order of the callers determines which token is used for the credentials. We can rearrange the order of the callers using the administrative console.

Before we can complete this task, create a new policy set and attach it to a service, or copy and edit one of the sample system policy sets. For more information, read the topics Creating policy sets using the administrative console and Attaching a policy set to a service artifact. We can also create multiple new callers in the default provider bindings associated with the policy set, as described in the topic Configuring the callers for general and default bindings


  1. Edit the bindings for the policy by clicking Services > Policy sets > General Provider policy set bindings, then click on the name of the bindings. A caller is specified for the provider bindings only, not for the client bindings.

  2. Navigate to the Callers panel by clicking on the policy name, then click the Caller link.

  3. In the caller collection table, the callers are listed with the order of each caller displayed in the Order column. The order number indicates the order of preference in which the callers are used when multiple authentication tokens are received on an incoming message. Use the Move up and Move down buttons to change the order of the callers.

    1. To change the order of a caller to a higher priority, click the selection box next to the caller name, then click the Move up button. When a caller is moved up in priority, a caller that is before it will be moved down.

    2. To change the order of a caller to a lower priority, click the selection box next to the caller name, then click the Move down button.


The order attribute is assigned only for callers on bindings in WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0 or later. Bindings created with earlier versions of WAS may have callers, but these callers do not have an order attribute. These callers can appear in the Callers collection table, but do not have an order number in the order column. If these bindings were migrated to v7.0 or later, then order attributes must be assigned before saving and using these bindings. Use the Move up and Move down buttons to assign orders to the callers.

  • Configure the callers for general and default bindings
  • Caller settings