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Accessing a user defined work area partition

The work area partition service provides a JNDI binding to an implementation of the work area partition manager interface under the name java:comp/websphere/WorkAreaPartitionManager. Applications that need to access their partition can perform a lookup on that JNDI name and then use the getWorkAreaPartition method on the work area partition manager, as shown in the following code example:


import com.ibm.websphere.workarea.*;
import javax.naming.*;

public class SimpleSampleServlet {

         //Variable to hold our WorkAreaPartitionManager implementation
         WorkAreaPartitionManager partitionManager = null;
         try {
             InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext();
             partitionManager = (WorkAreaPartitionManager) 
         } catch (Exception e) {...}

         //Variable used to hold the retrieved WorkArea Partition
         UserWorkArea myPartition = null;
             myPartition = partitionManager.getWorkAreaPartition(partitionName);
         }catch(NoSuchPartitionException e){...}

What to do next

The next step is to use the begin method to create a new work area and associate it with the calling thread, as described in the Beginning a new work area topic.


  • Overview of work area service
  • Work area partition service
  • Configure work area partitions
  • Developing applications that use work areas
  • The Work area partition manager interface