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Logging Common Base Events in WAS

WebSphere Application Server uses Common Base Events within its basic logging framework. Common Base Events can be created explicitly and then logged through the Java logging API, or can be created implicitly using the Java logging API directly.

Logging Common Base Events is not supported with the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace mode.

An event is a notification from an application or the application server that reports information that is related to a specific problem or situation. Common Base Events provide you with a standard structure for these event notifications, which allow us to correlate events received from different applications. Log Common Base Events to capture events from different sources to help you fix a problem within an application environment or to tune system performance.

For Common Base Event creation, the application server environment provides a Common Base Event factory with a content handler that provides both runtime data and template data for Common Base Events.


  1. Optional: Read about the Common Base Event types and how they are implemented within an application server. Refer to The Common Base Event in WAS.

  2. Read Logging Common Base Events in WAS.

  3. Configure the Common Base Event framework for the application server using one of the following methods:

Common Base Events will now be logged according to the configuration. Use these event logs to determine the source of application problems.
