Change from basic mode to HPEL logging and tracing
The basic mode log and trace framework is enabled by default when we set up a new application server. Switch to the High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace framework.
HPEL provides faster log and trace handling capabilities and more flexible ways to use log and trace content than the basic mode. We can switch to HPEL mode using the administrative console, or using wsadmin scripting.
Use the administrative console to switch to HPEL
- Log on to the administrative console.
- For an admin agent topology select a node to manage and navigate to it.
- From the navigation section in the console choose...
Troubleshooting | Logs and trace | server | Switch to HPEL Mode
- Save the changes.
Use wsadmin scripting to switch to HPEL
- Start wsadmin.
We can connect wsadmin to a running server or access the configuration data for a stopped server.
- Get a reference to the HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging configuration object.
Use Jython:
HPELService = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server: myServer/HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging:/")
Command Description myCell The name of the cell myNode The host name of the node myServer The name of the server - Set the HighPerformanceExtensibleLogging enable attribute to true.
Use Jython:
AdminConfig.modify(HPELService, "[[enable true]]")
- Get a reference to the RASLoggingService object.
Use Jython:
RASLogging = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:myCell/Node:myNode/Server:myServer/RASLoggingService:/")
Command Description myCell The name of the cell myNode The host name of the node myServer The name of the server - Set the RASLoggingService enable attribute to false.
Use Jython:
AdminConfig.modify(RASLogging, "[[enable false]]")
- Save the configuration.
Use Jython:
The server is now configured to use HPEL when you restart.
If this task was done using the deployment manager, synchronize the node agent on the target node before restarting the server.
Basic mode and HPEL mode Starting the wsadmin scripting client Configure HPEL