(ZOS) Set up SSL connections for Java clients
Follow these steps to configure SSL for use between Java clients running on a workstation and the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Java EE server.
- Determine what SSL repertoire the server is using. For example: WASKeyring.
- Determine the user ID the server is running. For example: CBSYMSR1.
- Export the certificate authority from RACF . For example:
RACDCERT CERTAUTH EXPORT(LABEL('WebSphereCA')) DSN('IBMUSER.WAS.CA') FORMAT(CERTDER)- Move the file to the workstation. (Note that the FTP transfer must use binary.) For example: \tmp directory
- Add the digital certificate to the TrustStore used by the client. For example, for the DummyClientTrustFile.jks file, type:
keytool -import -file \tmp\IBMUSER.WAS.CA -keystore DummyClientTrustFile.jks]
(ZOS) Prepare for security at installation time