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(ZOS) Use CBIND to control access to clusters

Use the CBIND class in RACF to restrict a client's ability to access clusters from Java Application Clients or J2EE compliant servers. We must have READ permission to access clusters.

We can also use this class to specify which servers are trusted to assert identities (with no authenticator).

Remember: When using the server trusted identity, the RACF server id needs to be granted CONTROL permission to the profile.

Important: z/SAS is supported only between v6.0.x and previous version servers that have been federated in a v6.1 cell.

This validates an intermediate server to send certificates (MutualAuthCBindCheck=true). We can deactivate the class if we do not require this kind of access control.

Servers are either clustered or not clustered. The value of cluster_name is:

  1. For a clustered server, the cluster_name used in these profiles is the cluster short name.

  2. For an unclustered server, instead of a cluster_name a server custom property (ClusterTransitionName) is used.

When we convert a server into a clustered server the ClusterTransitionName becomes the short name of the cluster. The following steps explain the CBIND authorization checking by WebSphere Application Server for z/OS.


  1. Use the CBIND class in RACF to restrict the ability of a client to access clusters, or we can deactivate the class if we do not require this kind of access control. WAS for z/OS uses two types of profiles in the CBIND class. One type of profile controls whether a local or remote client can access clusters. The name of the profile has the following form, where cluster_name is the name of the cluster, and SAF_profile_prefix is the prefix used for SAF profiles.
    CB.BIND.<optional SAF_profile_prefix>.<cluster_name>

    When we add a new cluster, we must authorize all Java Client user IDs and Servers to have read access to the CB.cluster_name and CB.BIND.cluster_name RACF profiles.

    Example: WSADMIN needs read authority to the CB.BBOC001 and CB.BIND.BBOC001 profiles:


  2. We can also use the System Authorization Facility (SAF) CBIND class to indicate that a process is trusted to assert identities to WebSphere for z/OS. This usage is primarily intended for use by trusted intermediate servers who have already authenticated their callers. The intermediate server (or process) must establish its network identity to WebSphere for z/OS using SSL client certificates. This network identity is mapped to an MVS user ID by SAF security service. This mapped identity must be granted CONTROL access to the CB.BIND.<optional SAF_profile_prefix>.<cluster_name> process to be authorized to assert identities. The use of CBIND profiles to establish trust is used by the following authentication mechanisms:

    For example, WEBSERV must assert client certificates that are received from its callers: PERMIT CB.BIND.BBOC001 CLASS(CBIND) ID(WEBSERV) ACCESS(CONTROL)


  • System Authorization Facility for role-based authorization
  • Cluster authorizations
  • Server process authorization checking