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Configure an OpenID Relying Party

We can configure a WebSphere Application Server to function as an OpenID Relying Party (RP or client) to take advantage of web single sign-on using an OpenID Provider as an identity provider.

Configure a WAS to act as an OpenID Relying Party

  1. Add a new interceptor...

      Security > Global security > Web and SIP security > Trust association > Interceptors > New

  2. Enter the interceptor class name:


  3. Add custom properties for the environment.

  4. Click Apply and Save the configuration updates.

    Important: Do not click Save without clicking Apply first or the custom properties are discarded.

  5. Select...

      Global Security > Trust Association > Enable Trust Association check box

  6. Click...

      Security > Global security > Custom properties > New

    ...and define the following custom property information under General properties:

    This property should be set only if it there is a need for TAI to intercept a request to an unprotected URI.

  7. Import the OpenID provider's SSL signer certificate to the WAS's truststore.

    1. In the administrative console, click

      Use CellDefaultTrustStore instead of NodeDefaultTrustStore for a dmgr.

    2. Click Add.

  8. Add the trusted realm.

      Global Security > user account repository > Configure > Trusted authentication realms - inbound > Add External Realm

    The RP by default uses the name OpenIDDefaultRealm. If that default is not modified during the configuration of the RP, the same name should be added as a trusted realm. Verify the realmName property configured in the RP is added as a trusted realm.

  9. Restart WAS.

These steps establish the minimum configuration required to configure a WebSphere Application server as an OpenID Relying Party capable of communicating with an OpenID Provider.


  • OpenID authentication overview
  • OpenID Relying Party custom properties