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Authorize access to Java EE resources using ISAM

The Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) defines a contract between Java EE containers and authorization providers. Use the default authorization or an external JACC authorization provider. When security is enabled in WebSphere Application Server, the default authorization is used unless a JACC provider is specified.

JACC enables any third-party authorization providers to plug into a Java EE application server (such as WAS) to make the authorization decisions when a Java EE resource is accessed. By default, WAS implements the JACC provider using Security Access Manager as the external authorization provider.


  1. JACC support in WAS
  2. JACC providers
  3. ISAM integration as the JACC provider
  4. Use the built-in authorization provider
  5. Enable an external JACC provider


  • ISAM integration as the JACC provider
  • Authorization providers
  • JACC providers
  • JACC support in WAS
  • Interfaces that support JACC
  • Security authorization provider troubleshooting tips
  • External Java Authorization Contract for Containers provider settings