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Generate Lightweight Third Party Authentication keys

WebSphere Application Server generates LTPA keys automatically during the first server startup. We can generate additional keys as we need them in the Authentication mechanisms and expiration panel.

At runtime, the default key sets are CellLTPASecret and CellLTPAKeyPair. The default key group is CellLTPAKeySetGroup. After generation, keys are stored in the default key store CellLTPAKeys.


  1. Access the administrative console.


  2. Verify that all the WAS processes are running, including the cell, nodes, and application servers.

    If any of the servers are down at the time of key generation and then restarted later, these servers might contain old keys. Copy the new set of keys to these servers to restart them after we generate them.

  3. To generate a new set of LTPA keys in the local keystore and update the runtime with the new keys.

      Security > Global security > Authentication mechanisms and expiration. > LTPA > Generate keys

    By default, LTPA keys are regenerated on a schedule every 90 days, configurable to the day of the week. Each new set of LTPA keys is stored in the keystore associated with the key set group. The same password already stored in the configuration is used when we generate new keys.

    Tip: This step is not necessary when we enable security because, by default, a set of keys is created during the first server startup. However, the keystore should have at least two keys: the old keys can be used for validation while the new keys are being distributed. If any nodes are down during a key generation event, the nodes should be synchronized with the Deployment Manager before restarting the server.

  4. Restart the server for the changes to become active.

If the Dynamically update the runtime when SSL configuration changes check box is checked in the administrative console, then new keys are loaded automatically.

Having the check box checked is the default setting. If check box is NOT checked and we want changes that we make to an existing SSL configuration to occur, then restart the WebSphereApplication Server to use the generated keys. Token generation uses the keys that were last imported. To view the latest key version, see Change the number of active LTPA keys.

What to do next

Recycle the node agents and application servers to accept the new keys. If any of the node agents are down, run a manual file synchronization utility from the node agent machine to synchronize the security configuration from the deployment manager.


  • LTPA key sets and key set groups
  • Import LTPA keys
  • Exporting LTPA keys
  • Disable automatic generation of LTPA keys
  • Change the number of active LTPA keys