(ZOS) Converting a 7-character server short name to 8 characters
By default, the product assumes we are using a 7-character short name (JOBNAME) for the application servers and deployment managers. If our naming standards require 8 characters, we can lengthen the 7-character server short name to 8 characters.
We should consider the following before performing this task:
- The Resource Recovery Services (RRS) log names are based on the server short name. When we change the server short name, we are changing the server's identity to the RRS. This means that the previously existing transaction and partner logs will be abandoned, or will not match the new name, and either of these situations will result in restart problems. To prevent this from happening, ensure that there are no outstanding RRS units of recovery (URs) for the server before changing its name. See z/OS MVS™ Programming: Resource Recovery for instructions on using the RRS panels to view information about URs.
that the only safe way to provide an 8-character short name for a server is to do so before it is initially started.
- Converting your 7-character server short name to 8 characters requires us to change the JOBNAME used by the servant's start command. This means that the System Authorization Facility (SAF) started class that previously matched this job may no longer match. Review your SAF STARTED class profile and, if necessary, define a new class.
- Because the JOBNAME appears as part of a start command's arguments, we need to review your COMMNDxx PARMLIB member, as well as any other form of automation we use that issues a start command to start a server.
- Review the start parameters of our Workload Management (WLM) static APPLENV definitions. These are the parameters used to start the servant process (server region). If we are using static APPLENVs, the start parm string used by the WLM for the server looks similar to JOBNAME=BBOS001S,ENV=... You will need to decide to keep this JOBNAME or change to the new JOBNAME specified in the following steps. The original JOBNAME is sufficient.
This consideration does not apply if we are using WLM dynamic APPLENVs.
- Review and update the necessary Resource Access Control Facility (RACF ) profiles to support these server short names. See the information about RACF server class profiles.
To lengthen a 7-character server short name to 8 characters:
- Change the 7-character server short name to the 8-character name we want to use:
- Navigate to the appropriate application server or deployment manager.
For an application server, in the administrative console, click...
Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server.
For a deployment manager, in the administrative console, click...
System Administration > Deployment manager.
- In the Short name field, replace the 7-character name with the 8-character short name we want to use.
- Click OK.
- Update the start command arguments for the servant to use the new 8-character name. If we are reconfiguring a node agent, we can skip this step because it does not have an associated servant process.
- Navigate to the servant process.
For an application server, in the administrative console, click...
Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server > Java and process management > Process definition > Servant.
For a deployment manager, in the administrative console, click...
System Administration > Deployment manager, and then under Server Infrastructure, click Java and process management > Process definition.
- In the startCommandArgs field, replace the 7-character name, designated by the JOBNAME argument, with the 8-character name we want to use. Do not include the S character at the end of the JOBNAME. For example, JOBNAME=P5SVR1D,ENV=P5CELL.P5NODED.P5SVR1D
- Click OK.
- Click Save to save the configuration changes.
Controlling application environments with RACF server class profiles Process definition settings Application server settings