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View high availability group information

High availability groups are dynamically created components of a core group. They cannot be configured directly, but they are directly affected by static data, such as policy configurations, which is specified at the core group level.

View information about the HA groups contained in a core group

  1. To view information about the HA groups that are part of a core group, in the administrative console, click...

      Servers > Core Groups > Core group settings > core_group > Runtime tab

  2. Specify a value in the Group name field.

    • Specify an asterisk in this field if we want a list of all the HA groups that are part of this core group.

    • Specify a set of name-value pairs, separated by a comma, to get a list of only those high availability groups that contain the specified name-value pairs in their group name. For example, we might specify the following value to obtain a list of all of the HA groups that contain...




      ...in their names.


  3. Click Show groups.

    A list of high availability groups contained in this core group that meet the specified criteria is displayed, with pertinent information about these groups.

What to do next

We can click on the name of one of the HA group names to display information about members of that group. Because high availability group members are dynamically created, no member information is available for configured servers that are not actually running.

We can also view the distribution of active high availability group members.



  • High availability groups
  • High availability group policies