Configure core group preferred coordinators
The high availability manager uses an ordered list of preferred core group servers when it selects servers to host the coordinators. If the default list is inappropriate, we can change the list such that other servers are selected as coordinators.
To determine the appropriate ordered list of preferred coordinators:
- Review the content of the Core group coordinator topic.
- Select a set of servers that infrequently start and stop, are stable, and located on capable systems with large amounts of system memory and a fast processor.
Even though it is possible to use a dmgr as a core group coordinator, IBM recommends using an application server that is not a dmgr.bprac
We might want to change the ordered list of preferred core group servers if:
- The system where the default coordinator is located has insufficient resources or capacity to serve as a coordinator.
- A server that normally gets selected as the coordinator starts and stops frequently.
Change the ordered list of preferred core group servers
- In the administrative console, click...
Servers > Core Groups > Core group settings > core group.
- Click Preferred coordinator servers and then add or delete the appropriate application servers from the list of preferred coordinator servers. Use Add and Remove to move servers into and out of the list of core group servers on which the coordinator service can run. Use Move up and Move down to adjust the order of the servers within this list. Verify the most preferred server is at the beginning of the list and the least preferred server is at the end.
- Click OK and then click Review.
- Select Synchronize changes with nodes, and then click Save.
Your changes take effect immediately after synchronization completes. The members of the core group pick up these changes dynamically.
Core groups Core group coordinator Change the number of core group coordinators