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Create server templates

A server template is used to define the configuration settings for a new application server. When creating a new application server, you either select the default server template or a template we previously created, based on another, already existing application server. The default template is used if we do not specify a different template when we create the server.

We can also use the createApplicationServerTemplate command for the AdminTask object to create a server template.

(ZOS) If we do not create any additional server templates, the defaultZOS template is used as the template for the first cluster member. This template uses the default port assignments for the z/OS platform. If some of these ports are already defined for use elsewhere in your z/OS system, the newly created cluster member might not start, might function incorrectly, or might generate unexpected error messages. Therefore, we must resolve any port conflicts before starting this server.


  1. In the administrative console, click...

            Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > > Templates.

  2. On the Server templates page, click New.

  3. From the list of servers, select the server to use to create the new template> OK.

  4. Enter the name of the new template and, optionally, a description of that template that distinguishes it from your other templates.

    A server name can not contain a blank character..

  5. click OK.

Your new template is on the list of server templates we can use to create a new application server or cluster member.

What to do next


  • Deleting server templates
  • Commands for the AdminTask object