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Configure Tivoli Performance Viewer settings

We can configure user and logging settings of the Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV). Configuring the TPV settings affects the performance of the application server. TPV monitors the performance activity of all servers on a node. The data can also be viewed from the deployment manager. We can configure the activity monitoring of Tivoli Performance Viewer on a per-user basis. Any changes made to Tivoli Performance Viewer settings are only for the server being monitored and only affect the user viewing the data. We can change the user and log TPV settings in the administrative console.

Configure Tivoli Performance Viewer log settings

The log settings control what happens when Start Logging is clicked in, for example, a summary report on the performance of a servlet, enterprise bean (EJB), EJB method, connection pool or thread pool.


To see the Log link on the Tivoli Performance Viewer page, expand the Settings node of the Tivoli Performance Viewer navigation tree. After clicking Log, the Tivoli Performance Viewer log settings are displayed.

Change the values as needed for the log settings.

Setting Description
Duration Length of time, in minutes, that logging continues, unless Stop Logging is clicked first. Tivoli Performance Viewer is not intended as a full-time logging solution.
Maximum File Size Maximum size, in megabytes, of a single file. Note that Tivoli Performance Viewer automatically zips log files to save space and this parameter controls the pre-zipped file size and not the post-zipped, which is smaller.
Maximum Number of Historical Files Number of files Tivoli Performance Viewer writes before stopping. If Tivoli Performance Viewer reaches the maximum file size before the logging duration ends, it continues logging in another file, up to the maximum. If Tivoli Performance Viewer reaches the maximum number of historical files before the logging duration ends, Tivoli Performance Viewer deletes the oldest historical file and continues logging in a new file. The total amount of data stored is constrained by the Maximum File Size and Maximum Number of Historical Files parameters.
File Name Name of the log file. The server name and the time at which the log is started is appended to the log name to help users identify a log file.
Log Output Format Whether Tivoli Performance Viewer writes log files as XML or in a binary format. Binary format provides a smaller log file when uncompressed and is recommended if space is a consideration.

Click Apply.

Configure the Tivoli Performance Viewer user settings

In the console navigation tree...

To see the User link on the Tivoli Performance Viewer page, expand the Settings node of the Tivoli Performance Viewer navigation tree. After clicking User, the Tivoli Performance Viewer user settings are displayed.

...and change the values as needed for the user settings.

The refresh rate and buffer size settings combine to control how much temporal history we have for the application server. The default values for Refresh Rate (30 seconds) and Buffer Size (40 entries) provide you with a 20-minute history of the application server's performance. Changing one of these parameters affects the length of the temporal history. The values set for Refresh Rate and Buffer Size depend on your use of TPV. To diagnose a known problem on a test machine, we might poll data more frequently while having a decreased buffer size. To monitor a production server, we might poll data less frequently and specify a buffer size depending on how much history we want. However, TPV is not intended to be a full-time monitoring solution.

Click Apply.

See also

  1. View current performance activity
  2. Monitor performance with Tivoli Performance Viewer
  3. View Data with the Tivoli Performance Viewer
  4. Select a server and change monitoring status