Manage messaging with a third-party JCA 1.5 or 1.6-compliant messaging provider
We can configure WebSphere Application Server to use a third-party JCA 1.5-compliant or 1.6-compliant messaging provider. We might want to do this, for example, if we have existing investments.
For messaging between application servers, perhaps with some interaction with an IBM MQ system, we can use the default messaging provider. To integrate WAS messaging into a predominately IBM MQ network, we can use the IBM MQ messaging provider. We can also use a third-party messaging provider as described in this topic. To choose the provider that is best suited to our needs, see Choose a messaging provider.
A third-party JCA 1.5-compliant or 1.6-compliant messaging provider takes the form of a resource adapter that we install in WAS. We use the administrative console to administer the activation specifications (for message-driven beans) and other J2C administered objects for the provider.
In a mixed-version WAS deployment manager cell, we can administer third-party messaging resources on v8, v7 and v6 nodes.
- Install the third-party JCA 1.5-compliant or 1.6-compliant messaging provider.
Install the resource adapter for the third-party provider, as described in Install a resource adapter archive.
- Configure an activation specification for a third-party JCA resource adapter.
- Configure an administered object for a third-party JCA resource adapter.
- Configure an activation specification for a third-party JCA resource adapter
We can configure an activation specification used to deploy message-driven beans with a Java Connector Architecture (JCA), also called J2EE Connector (J2C), resource adapter that is not included as part of the WAS.- Configure an administered object for a third-party JCA resource adapter
We can configure an administered object for a Java Connector Architecture (JCA), also called J2EE Connector (J2C), resource adapter that is not included as part of the WAS.
Manage messaging with a third-party non-JCA messaging provider