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Enable WAS to use an intermediary node for web services transactions

Use intermediary nodes with Web Services Atomic Transactions (WS-AT) or Web Services Business Activities (WS-BA) to support the exchange of associated requests across firewalls and outside the WebSphere Application Server domain. Specify external endpoint URL information for each server accessed through the intermediary.

Configure the intermediary to listen on a specific port for protocol messages and to route these messages to the specific WAS instance to enable. See the related information for an example configuration where an IBM HTTP server is the intermediary.


  1. In the administrative console, click...

      Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server > [Container Services] Transaction Service

  2. In the External WS-Transaction HTTP(S) URL prefix section, click Specify custom prefix, then type the external endpoint URL information for the intermediary node in the field. Using one of the following formats for the prefix, where host_name and port represent the intermediary node that is an HTTP or HTTPS proxy for the server, and port is optional.

    • http://host_name:port
    • https://host_name:port

    If we use an HTTP server to route messages through a Proxy Server for WAS, the prefix applies to the HTTP server.

  3. Click Apply or OK.

  4. Save changes to the master configuration.

  5. Repeat the previous steps for each server that is accessed through the intermediary node.

  6. Restart the servers.

We configured the system to use an intermediary node. Test the configuration to ensure that messages are routed as you expect.

Previous topic: Configure an intermediary node for web services transactions


  • Web services transactions, high availability, firewalls and intermediary nodes
  • Use the transaction service
  • Example: Configuring IBM HTTP server as an intermediary node for web services transactions
  • Transaction service settings