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Queue connection factory collection

A queue connection factory is used to create connections to the associated JMS provider of the JMS queue destinations, for point-to-point messaging.

In the administrative console, to view this page click Resources > JMS->Queue connection factories.

To browse or change the properties of a listed item, select its name in the list.

To act on one or more of the listed items, select the check boxes next to the names of the items to act on, then use the buttons provided.

To change what entries are listed, or to change what information is shown for entries in the list, use the Filter settings.

This page lists the JMS queue connection factories available to WebSphere Application Server applications at the scope indicated by the Scope field.

A JMS queue connection factory is used to create connections to JMS destinations. When an application needs a JMS queue connection, an instance can be created by the factory for the JMS provider that is named in the Provider column of the list.

This type of connection factory is for applications that use the JMS 1.0.2 queue-specific interfaces.

If IBM MQ functionality has been disabled, an informational message indicating that IBM MQ has been disabled appears when the scope field is set to a scope which is the same as, or above, the scope at which IBM MQ has been disabled, or when the scope field is set to display all scopes. Note that this informational message is not displayed if we are viewing a provider specific collection that is not for IBM MQ (for example, the default messaging provider collection). In a single server environment this informational message is only displayed when the server is restarted after IBM MQ functionality has been disabled. In a network deployment environment the informational message is displayed immediately. See Disable IBM MQ functionality in WAS.


The display name of each queue connection factory instance.

JNDI name

The JNDI name of each queue connection factory instance.


The messaging provider that supports each queue connection factory instance.


An optional description of each queue connection factory instance.


The level to which this resource definition is visible; for example, the cell, node, cluster, or server level.


Button Description
New Create a new JMS resource of this type.
Delete Delete the selected items.


  • JMS interfaces - explicit polling for messages
  • List JMS resources for the default messaging provider
  • Configure a queue connection factory for the default messaging provider
  • Choose a messaging provider
  • Disable IBM MQ functionality in WAS
  • List JMS resources for a third-party non-JCA messaging provider
  • Configure a queue connection factory for the IBM MQ messaging provider
  • Configure a JMS connection factory for a third-party non-JCA messaging provider
  • Default messaging provider queue connection factory [Settings]
  • IBM MQ messaging provider queue connection factory settings
  • Third-party JMS connection factory settings
  • Mapping of administrative console panel names to command names and IBM MQ names