Configure a destination forward routing path
Configure a forward routing path for a selected bus queue. The forward routing path identifies a sequence of bus destinations that a message should pass through after it has been delivered to the bus destination to which the producer is attached.
If producing and consuming applications both attach directly to the destination that is to host and process their messages, we do not have to use routing paths. We can still use mediations assigned to the destination to manipulate messages. However, if we want a more flexible architecture, we can assign mediations to several destinations then specify those destinations as the forward routing path for another destination. For example in the given diagram, on the destination called Destination, on the bus called myBus, we would set the Default forward routing path property to:
mybus:D1 mybus:D2 mybus:D3 mybus:D4For each destination that should be visited by a reply message on its ways back to the producer application, we can specify the name of a reply destination, which is the next destination in the reverse routing path. If the same destinations are used for both the forward and return routing paths, we can configure the return routing path when we configure the forward routing path, as described in this topic. Otherwise, see Configure a destination reverse routing path.
To configure a forward routing path, we only have to change the properties of the destinations we want to use. This topic contains optional steps to create destinations, in case we have not already done so.
To configure a forward routing path for a destination, use the administrative console to complete the following steps:
- Optional: If we have not already done so, create the destination to which the producer applications attach. For this destination, we can create a queue or create a topic space.
- Optional: If we have not already done so, create each destination in the path. Only the last destination in the path can be a topic space; all other destinations in the path must be queues.
If the destination is also to be part of the return routing path for reply messages, specify the name of the next destination in the return routing path:
- Click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Destination resources] Destinations -> destination_name.
- In the Reply destination bus field, type the name of the next destination in the return routing path.
- Save changes to the master configuration.
- Optional: If we have not already done so, assign mediations to the destinations in the path. We can include a destination without mediations in a routing path, to provide a future option to apply a mediation assigned to that destination.
- Edit the properties of the destination to which the producer applications attach, to configure the forward routing path.
- Click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Destination resources] Destinations -> destination_name.
- In the Default forward routing path field, type the names of the destinations in the path. Type a list of bus destinations, each on a separate line, of the form bus_name:destination_name
- bus_name
- Is the name of the service integration bus on which the destination is configured.
- destination_name
- is the name of the bus destination.
For example:
mybusA:queueA anobusB:queueB busC:queueC- Save changes to the master configuration.
Destination routing paths List bus destinations Create a bus destination Configure bus destination properties Configure mediations Configure a destination reverse routing path Configure context properties for a bus destination Administer destination roles Deleting a bus destination Resetting a destination