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Configure the messaging engine selection process for JMS applications

Configure the JMS connection factory for the application, in order to tune the process through which messaging engine connections are selected for the application.

To use JMS destinations of the default messaging provider, a client application connects to a messaging engine on the service integration bus to which the destinations are assigned. For example, a JMS queue is assigned to a queue destination on a service integration bus.

By default, the environment automatically connects applications to an available messaging engine on the bus. However we can specify extra configuration details to influence the connection process; for example to identify special bootstrap servers, or to limit connection to a subgroup of available messaging engines, or to improve availability or performance, or to ensure sequential processing of messages received.

For a JMS application, we apply the extra configuration to the associated JMS connection factory. For a message-driven bean (MDB) application, we apply the equivalent extra configuration to the associated activation specification.

For the default configuration, we only have to specify the one required connection property Bus name, which sets the name of the bus to which the application is to connect. To further restrict the range of messaging engines to which the applications can connect, we can also configure the other connection properties:

For detailed information about these connection properties, and an overview of the process through which the default messaging provider chooses the messaging engine for the application, see How JMS applications connect to a messaging engine on a bus.

The steps for this task are based on an application that uses a unified JMS connection factory. Use the same task to configure a JMS queue connection factory or JMS topic connection factory, but we select the appropriate type of connection factory instead of JMS connection factory.



  • How JMS applications connect to a messaging engine on a bus
  • JNDI namespaces and connecting to different JMS provider environments
  • Configure a unified connection factory for the default messaging provider
  • Configure a queue connection factory for the default messaging provider
  • Configure a topic connection factory for the default messaging provider