Deploy the Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS to a third party application server
To provide connections to service integration resources running inside WebSphere Application Server, the Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS must be installed into the third party application server.
The Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS requires JRE 1.5 or later. The resource adapter is called sibc.jmsra.rar and is available from the following runtime directories:
- WAS install
- Application Client for WAS install
Before starting the deployment of the resource adapter, we must first obtain the following information from the WAS administrator:
- Bus name
- Endpoint provider address
- Target transport chain
- Messaging engine name
- Any other required connection and destination properties
- One or more destination names
The general approach to deploying the resource adapter is to write a deployment XML file to configure the required and optional properties for the JMS connection factory and JMS resources that will be accessed, and then deploy the resource adapter using the deployment XML file. The installation process varies, depending on the particular application server that we are using. Before starting this task, see the documentation specific to the application server for information about how to install and use a JMS resource adapter RAR file.
An enterprise application that looks up a Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS connection factory in the local JNDI repository can access service integration resources through the resource adapter, provided that the required messaging engine is available in WAS. All outbound connections must access all queues and topics using Queue or Topic resources. These resources are configured using your particular application server configuration mechanism when the resource adapter is deployed.
The Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS supports full two-phase XA transactional connections (except under the JBoss Application Server) but can also be run using local transactions or no transaction connections.
Multiple deployments of the resource adapter are possible.
- To deploy an outbound JMS resource on the Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS, use your particular application server configuration mechanism to configure the following service integration bus properties:
- Bus name
- Provider endpoints
- To use XA resources over a Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS connection, use your particular application server configuration mechanism to configure the following additional service integration bus properties:
- Target type must be set to "ME"
- Target significance must be set to "Required"
- Target must be set to the name of the required messaging engine
These properties permit the recovery of indoubt transactions, should this be necessary. For further information about indoubt transactions, see Resolving indoubt transactions.
See Configuration properties for the Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS for a description of these property names and other properties that might also be configured.
Subsequent usage of the resource adapter is in accordance with the Java EE programming specifications. That is, any enterprise bean or message-driven bean might obtain a Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS connection factory or use an activation specification to connect to a service integration messaging engine. Message-driven beans behave in just the same way as they would in any other Java EE environment.
What to do next
We can turn trace and First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) on for the resource adapter in the same way as for the Thin Client for JMS with WAS. For further information, see Add tracing and logging for stand-alone clients.
We can configure secure connections by configuring connection factories that require a secure bootstrap and/or connection transport chain in the same way as for the Thin Client for JMS with WAS. For further information, see Secure JMS client and JMS resource adapter connections.
- Configuration properties for the Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS
As part of deploying the Resource Adapter for JMS with WAS, configure a set of JMS resources that the deployed resource adapter instance supports.
Resolving indoubt transactions