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Correcting the messaging engine policy

We can change the messaging engine policy for a messaging engine in a cluster so that it conforms to one of the predefined messaging engine policy types available when we use messaging engine policy assistance.

Use this procedure when we are creating or maintaining a cluster bus member and messaging engine policy assistance is enabled, but there are warning messages that the messaging engine policy should be corrected. For example, we create and configure a cluster for scalability, where each messaging engine cannot fail over. To change the cluster to provide scalability and high availability, the messaging engine policies must be corrected so that the messaging engines can fail over, and the preferred servers list must be corrected so that there is a preferred server and a failover server for each messaging engine.

This procedure does not add or remove messaging engines. If there are warning messages to add or remove messaging engines to conform to the selected messaging engine policy type, use the procedures in the related tasks.


  1. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Bus members -> bus_member_name. If messaging engine policy assistance is enabled, the Bus member detail panel is displayed. If messaging engine policy assistance is not enabled, the messaging engine collection panel is displayed.

  2. If messaging engine policy assistance is not enabled, click Enable policy assistance and follow the instructions on the wizard.

  3. From the Bus member detail panel, in the content pane, under Additional properties, click Messaging engine policy maintenance. A list of messaging engines for the cluster, and details of their current messaging engine policy settings, is displayed. Messages in the details column indicate whether the current settings conform to the selected messaging engine policy type.

  4. Select the policies we want to correct, then click Correct messaging engine policy.

  5. Save changes to the master configuration.

The selected messaging engine policies are corrected and the new policy settings are displayed in the panel. The core group policies and match criteria for the messaging engines are automatically corrected.


  • Messaging engine policy assistance
  • High availability messaging engine policy
  • Scalability messaging engine policy
  • Scalability with high availability messaging engine policy
  • Add a messaging engine to a cluster
  • Remove a messaging engine from a cluster
  • Modify the messaging engine policy for a cluster bus member
  • correctSIBEnginePolicy command
  • Messaging engine policy maintenance [Collection]