Add or modify a WebSphere MQ link receiver channel

How we can define the properties of the receiver channel on a WebSphere MQ link. This channel receives messages from the WebSphere MQ queue manager or queue-sharing group (known as the "gateway queue manager"). The receiver channel communicates with a WebSphere MQ sender channel on the gateway queue manager, and converts MQ format messages to service integration bus messages.

We have to know the name of the bus, and the messaging engine on the bus containing the WebSphere MQ link with the receiver channel we intend to add or modify. When we use the foreign bus connection wizard to connect a bus and a gateway queue manager to use point-to-point messaging or publish-subscribe messaging, the wizard does not ask you to set all possible properties of a WebSphere MQ link. If we did not choose to Enable Service integration bus to WebSphere MQ message flow in the foreign bus connection wizard, you have not yet defined a Websphere MQ receiver channel. If we did choose this option in the wizard, you have defined the receiver channel name, host name and port number, and the wizard has set the other properties to default values.

To add or modify a WebSphere MQ link receiver channel, use the dmgr console to complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Additional properties] WebSphere MQ links -> link_name -> [Additional Properties] Receiver channel.
  2. In the content pane, either click New to add a new receiver channel, or click the name of a existing receiver channel to modify.

  3. Add or modify the properties of the channel.

    For information about all the properties that we can modify, see WebSphere MQ link receiver channel [Settings].

    If we used the foreign bus connection wizard to create the channel, the wizard has used default values for the following properties:

    Inbound nonpersistent message reliability

    The acceptable reliability of message delivery for nonpersistent message flows from WebSphere MQ through this WebSphere MQ link, from Best effort to Reliable, in order of increasing reliability. By default, the value is "Reliable".

    Inbound persistent message reliability

    The acceptable reliability of message delivery for inbound persistent message flows from WebSphere MQ through this WebSphere MQ link, from Reliable to Assured, in order of increasing reliability. By default, the value is "Assured".

    Prefer queue points local to this link's messaging engine

    When this check box is selected, the link prefers to send inbound messages to available queue points of target queue destinations located on the same messaging engine as the link. By default the check box is selected, which corresponds to the behavior in WAS v6 and can make it easier to handle links in a mixed-version cell. If we clear the check box, preference is not given to local queue points and inbound messages are workload balanced across all available queue points of target queue destinations. This option (not to give preference to local queue points) is available only on links running on WAS v7.0 or later.

    Initial state

    Whether the receiver channel is started or stopped when the associated WebSphere MQ link is first started. Until started, the channel is unavailable. By default, the value is "Started".

  4. Click OK.

  5. Save changes to the master configuration.

  6. Restart the application server.

Related concepts:

WebSphere MQ link receiver

Related information:

WebSphere MQ link receiver channel connections [Collection]
WebSphere MQ link receiver channel connections [Settings]
WebSphere MQ link receiver channel [Collection]
WebSphere MQ link receiver channel [Settings]


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