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Tasks and units of work considerations

The application profiling function works under the unit of work (UOW) concept. UOW in this case means either a transaction or an ActivitySession.

The task name on a method is used only when a UOW is begun, because of that method being invoked. This gives it a more predictable data access pattern based on the active unit of work. To be more specific, this approach ensures that a bean type with only one configured access intent is loaded within a UOW, because a bean is configured with only one access intent within an application profile. This configured access intent for a bean type is determined at assembly time and is enforced by the Application Profile service.

A task name is always associated with a unit of work, and that task name does not change for the duration of that UOW. When a UOW associated with a method is begun because of that method being invoked, if a task name is associated with the method then that task name is used to name the UOW. A task assigned to a unit of work is considered a named UOW.

If a task name is not associated with the method that began the UOW, then a default access intent is used and the UOW is unnamed. A unit of work can only be named when the UOW is begun and that task name remains for the life of the UOW. Furthermore, the task assigned to a UOW can never be changed for the life of that UOW. Any task names associated with a method are ignored if that method does not begin a UOW (either container managed or component managed).

It is not possible to change the task name assigned to a unit of work. However, it is possible that in a call sequence consisting of many different application calls a different task name might need to be used for different calls. In this case it is important for the deployer to begin a new UOW and associate with the UOW the necessary task name. For example, assume we have the following beans: sb1 is a session bean, eb2 and eb3 are container managed persistence (CMP) entity beans. When sb1 is called, a transaction is begun and task 't1' is associated with it. Further assume that sb1 then calls eb2 and eb3. If neither eb2 or eb3 create a unit of work, then these beans execute within the UOW context from sb1 and as such its task name (t1). If eb2 or eb3 need to execute within a task name other than t1, then these beans must define a unit of work and associate with it the appropriate task name.

that if an application deployer does not specifically configure a transaction on a method, WAS creates a global transaction by default. This is important because if a task is defined on a method, but a UOW is not specifically configured on that method, the EJB container automatically creates a global transaction on behalf of that method. As such, this task name is associated with the UOW and any application profiles mapped to this task are used.

If we select the 5.x Compatibility Mode attribute on the Application Profile Service's console page, then tasks configured on J2EE 1.3 applications are not necessarily associated with units of work and can arbitrarily be applied and overridden. This is not a recommended mode of operation and can lead to unexpected deadlocks during database access. Tasks are not communicated on requests between applications running under the Application Profiling 5.x Compatibility Mode and applications that are not running under the compatibility mode.


  • Application profiles
  • Use the TaskNameManager interface