Delete a WebSphere MQ link publish/subscribe broker profile

This describes how you delete a broker profile and all topic mappings on a WebSphere MQ link, which forms a publish/subscribe bridge between WAS and a WebSphere MQ network.

Before you start you have to know the names of the bus, messaging engine, and WebSphere MQ link that has the broker profile that we intend to delete. You should also consider informing the WebSphere MQ administrator that we are about to delete the connection to the message broker in the WebSphere MQ network.

If we also intend to delete the associated WebSphere MQ link, you need not complete this task. Refer instead to Remove a foreign bus connection from a bus. Deleting a broker profile is a three-stage operation to ensure both the application server and the WebSphere MQ network and its message brokers are synchronized after the deletion:

If we remove the subscriptions but do not delete the broker profile, then the subscriptions are recreated when the server is restarted (because they are still present in the static configuration information for the WebSphere MQ link). These subscriptions are unrelated to the original subscriptions so this can lead to some messages in a publication flow being missing for subscribers on the target side of the bridge. For example, any messages published on an unsubscribed topic between the time the unsubscribe took place and the application server was restarted are not republished to the target side of the WebSphere MQ link.

  1. Start the dmgr console.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Additional properties] WebSphere MQ links -> link_name -> [Additional Properties] Publish/subscribe broker profiles -> profile.
  3. Remove the subscriptions:

    1. Click the Runtime tab.

    2. Click Subscriptions.

    3. Click Unsubscribe to remove all the subscriptions listed. When an unsubscribe command is sent to the message broker in the WebSphere MQ network, the relevant topic mapping is put into an indoubt state until the unsubscribe is confirmed when the topic mapping is deleted. After the unsubscribe is confirmed the topic mapping is no longer shown in the runtime view. You might have to refresh the runtime view for all subscriptions to be shown as removed.

  4. Delete the broker profile:

    1. Return to the Publish/subscribe broker profiles page.

    2. Select the check box next to the broker profile to delete.

    3. Click Delete.

  5. Save changes to the master configuration.

  6. Optional: If we have enabled dynamic configuration updates, the changes take effect immediately. Otherwise, restart the application server.


Prepare to remove a foreign bus connection between a service integration bus and a WebSphere MQ network
Remove a foreign bus connection from a bus


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