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Configure Lotus Domino

This task describes how to change configuration settings for Lotus Domino .

The Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool configures the web server plug-in.

(iSeries) If we are running Domino Web Server on IBM i, use the IBM Web Administration for IBM i GUI.

Other procedures in Editing web server configuration files describe configuring other supported web servers.

Use the following procedure to enable the web server plug-in to work with Lotus Domino. Ensure that we install the plug-in as root. Domino can only be installed as root, and the configuration files belong to root.

If we install the plug-in as local and the WebSphere Application Server as nonroot, then web server management on WAS, such as generation, propagation, deletion of web server definitions and more, is unavailable because the plugin-cfg.xml file must be installed as root.bprac


  1. Start the Domino server.
  2. Access the names.nsf file using the web browser (for example, http://tarheels2.raleigh.ibm.com/names.nsf). The browser prompts you for a password.
  3. Give the administrator name and password.

  4. Click Configuration.

  5. Click Servers.

  6. Click All Server Documents.

  7. Click the server that we intend to have work with the product

  8. Click Edit Server.

  9. Click Internet Protocols.

  10. Add the path to the Domino plug-in in the DSAPI Section.

    (iSeries) The DSAPI filter location on IBM i is /QSYS.LIB/QWAS9.LIB/LIBDOMINOH.SRVPGM. The plug-in is installed in the bin directory of the Web Server Plug-ins.

    If specifications for filter files for the Domino Server Application Programming Interface (DSAPI) exist, use a space to delimit the web server plug-in for WAS.

  11. Click Save and Close.

  12. Define the location of the plugin-cfg.xml configuration file.

    The location varies depending on how we have configured the system. If the web server and the application server are on separate machines, we have a remote installation.

    If the two servers are on the same machine, we have a local installation.

    If the two servers are on the same machine and the application server node or the custom node is federated, we have a local distributed installation.

    In the following examples, webserver1 is the web server definition name.



    If the type of installation is: Then use this command to set the environment variable:
    Remote WAS_PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml
    Local standalone WAS_PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE=profile_root/config/cells/sa_cell/nodes/webserver1_node/servers/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml
    Local distributed WAS_PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE=profile_root/config/cells/dmgrcell/nodes/managednode/servers/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml

    The setupPluginCfg.sh file is created in two places:

    • The plugins_root/bin directory

    • The lotus_root/notesdata directory

    We can run the script from either location to set the WAS_PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. However, if we are re-configuring the web server, we might want to set the path ourself by setting the value of the environment variable with a path from the preceding table.

    The setupPluginCfg.sh script sets the file path value to the file path that the Web Server Plug-ins Configuration Tool configured originally. If we are reconfiguring the web server to change the original file path, do not use this script.



    If the type of installation is: Then use this command to set the WebSpherePluginCfg variable:
    Remote WebSpherePluginCfg=C:\IBM\WebSphere\Plugins\config\webserver1\plugin-cfg.xml
    Local standalone WebSpherePluginCfg=profile_root\config\cells\sa_cell\nodes\webserver1_node\servers\webserver1\plugin-cfg.xml
    Local distributed WebSpherePluginCfg=profile_root\config\cells\dmgrcell\nodes\managednode\servers\webserver1\plugin-cfg.xml

    Do not delimit any of the following file paths with quotation marks unless there is a space in the file path. Otherwise, the plugin-cfg.xml file might not load correctly.



    Setting the path to the plug-in configuration file

    Edit your notes.ini file.

    1. From a CL command prompt, enter the Work with Domino Servers (WRKDOMSVR) command.

    2. Type 13 next to the applicable Domino server, then press Enter.

    3. Add or edit the WebSphereInit property. (See the following table.)

      To add a new line, type "i" next to the wanted insertion line, then press Enter.

    4. Press F3 to save and exit.

    If the type of installation is: Then use this command to set the environment variable:
    Remote WebSpherePluginConfig profile_root/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml
    Local standalone WebSpherePluginConfig profile_root/config/cells/my_cell/nodes/webserver1_node/servers/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml
    Local distributed WebSpherePluginConfig profile_root/config/cells/my_cell/nodes/my_managednode/servers/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml

    The setupPluginCfg.sh file is created in two places:

    • The plugins_root/bin directory

    • The lotus_root/notesdata directory

    We can run the script from either location to set the WAS_PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. However, if we are re-configuring the web server, we might want to set the path ourself by setting the value of the environment variable with a path from the preceding table.

  13. If we are configuring a 64-bit version of the Domino v7 or higher web server, modify the notes.ini file to point to the plugin_root\bin\64bit/domino5.dll file.

  14. Restart the Domino server. When the server starts, information like the following example is displayed:
    01/21/2005 01:21:51 PM  JVM: Java virtual machine initialized
    WAS DSAPI filter loaded
    01/21/2005 01:21:52 PM  HTTP Web Server started

This procedure results in reconfiguring v6.x of Lotus Domino.

What to do next

After configuring a web server, we can install applications on it. See the Applications section of the information center for more information.

For more information about configuring Lotus Domino to work with WAS, search the Lotus Support Services website. Enter the search term WebSphere in the keyword search field.

See following related technote:

Tip: To unconfigure a web server, reverse the manual steps and remove what was manually added in this procedure.


  • To configure the WebSphere plug-in