Configure the product after installation
Use the Profile Management Tool in the WebSphere Customization Toolbox to create a profile, and use the First steps console to test and verify the WebSphere Application Server environment.
Install the product.
- Start the Profile Management Tool to create a new profile.
Tip: At the end of product installation, select Profile Management Tool to open the Profile Management Tool when the installation is finished.
- Start the First steps console for the server.
Tip: At the end of profile creation, select Launch the First steps console to open the First steps console for the profile when profile creation is finished. This First steps console belongs to the profile that we just created. Each profile has its own First steps console.
The First steps console is an way to start using the product. The console provides access to the administrative console, WebSphere Customization Toolbox, installation verification test, and other activities.
See the description of the firststeps command for more information.
- Click Installation verification on the First steps console.
The installation verification test starts the server process and runs several tests to verify that the process can start without errors.
See Use the installation verification tool for more information.
- Click WebSphere Customization Toolbox on the First steps console and use its tools to create a new profile or migrate a profile from an earlier version.
Create multiple servers on the system.
- Use the administrative console to federate an application server into a dmgr cell.
If both server processes are running, use the administrative console of the deployment manager to add the application server node into the cell.
Point your browser at http://localhost:9060/ibm/console, for example, to start the administrative console. Or start it from the First steps console of the deployment manager profile.
If we are installing the product on these operating systems, then we must disable IPv6 and restart the machine to view and log on to the administrative console. See IPv6 for Microsoft Windows: Frequently Asked Questions for more information on disabling IPv6.
Log in and click System administration > Nodes > Add Node and follow the wizard to add the node into the cell. Use localhost for the Host field if both processes are on the same machine. The SOAP port for the application server node is 8880 unless we changed the port during profile creation.
If the deployment manager is running, we can use the addNode command instead.
- Optional: Click WebSphere Customization Toolbox on the First steps console and use the Profile Management Tool to create a custom profile.
Verify that the deployment manager is running. The Profile Management Tool can federate the custom node for you if the deployment manager is running.
Supply the host name and the SOAP port for the deployment manager while creating the custom profile.
Choose to federate the custom node into the deployment manager cell. A custom profile must be part of a cell.
Use the deployment manager to customize the node at your leisure. Add servers, add clusters, and install applications on the node for example.
This procedure results in configuring and testing the application server environment.
What to do next
See Planning the product installation for diagrams of topologies that we can create using the Profile Management Tool.
- Manage profiles on distributed and IBM i operating systems
Create and delete profiles, which are sets of files that define the runtime environment. At least one profile must exist to run the product.- firststeps command
The firststeps command starts the First steps console. The First steps console is a post-installation ease-of-use tool for directing WAS Network Deployment elements from one place. Options display dynamically on the First steps console, depending on features that we install and the availability of certain elements on a particular operating system platform. Options include verifying the installation, starting and stopping deployment manager andapplication server processes, accessing the tools for creating and managing profiles, accessing the administrative console, and accessing the online information center.- Use the installation verification tool
Use the installation verification tool (IVT) to verify that the installation of the product and the application server or deployment manager profile is successful. A profile consists of files that define the runtime environment for a dmgr or an application server. Verify each profile from its First steps console with the IVT.
Use the installation verification tool firststeps command