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Generate localized text

Perform this task to specify the runtime formatting of localized text in an application component.

Create a formatter instance and set the localization values as needed.


  1. If needed, customize the formatting behavior.
  2. In application code, call the appropriate format method.


We can provide fallback behavior for use if the appropriate message catalog is not available at formatting time.

The following code generates a localized string. If the formatting fails, the application retrieves and uses a fallback string instead of the localized string:

import com.ibm.websphere.i18n.localizabletext.LocalizableException;
import com.ibm.websphere.i18n.localizabletext.LocalizableTextFormatter;
import java.util.Locale;

public void drawAccountNumberGUI(String accountType){
   LocalizableTextFormatter ltf = new LocalizableTextFormatter();
   ltf.setFallBackString("Enter account number: ");
   try {
      msg = new Label(ltf.format(this.applicationLocale), Label.CENTER);
   catch (LocalizableException le) {
      msg = new Label(ltf.getFallBackString(), Label.CENTER);

What to do next

When the application is finished, deploy the application. See Prepare the localizable-text package for deployment.


  • Composing language-specific strings
  • LocalizableTextFormatter class