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Migrate enterprise bean code to the supported specification

This product supports the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.1 specification.

There are no migration issues associated with using EJB 3.x beans. Existing applications continue to run as-is and compile without error.

The EJB 3.0 and EJB 3.1 specifications have deprecated the use of EJB 1.1 style entity beans. While using EJB 2.x and earlier modules in the product has not yet been deprecated, we are encouraged to start migrating to Java Persistence API (JPA) or JDBC.

Follow these steps as appropriate for the application deployment.


  1. Modify enterprise bean code for changes in the specification.

    We must migrate the Version 1.1 beans to v2.x beans and redeploy them on the product. See Migrate enterprise bean code from Version 1.1 to Version 2.1.

    The EJB v2.0 specification mandates that before the EJB container runs a findByMethod query, the state of all enterprise beans enlisted in the current transaction be synchronized with the persistent store. This synchronization is done so that the query is performed against current data. When Version 1.1 beans are reassembled into an EJB 2.x-compliant module, the EJB container synchronizes the state of Version 1.1 beans, as well as that of v2.x beans. As a result, we might notice some change in application behavior even though the application code for the Version 1.1 beans has not been changed.

  2. Ensure WebSphere Application Server 64-bit compatibility. This is not an issue for a pure Java application. However, if the application code uses the Java Native Interface (JNI) code, be aware of the following considerations: the JNI allows Java code running in a virtual machine to operate with applications and libraries written in other languages, such as C, C++, and assembly. It is possible that the JNI calls could be different after the compilation, as the JNI specifications can change from version to version.
  3. Reassemble and redeploy all modules to incorporate migrated code.


  • Enterprise beans
  • Migrate applications to use data sources of the current Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA)
  • Task overview: Using enterprise beans in applications
  • Migrate enterprise bean code from Version 1.1 to v2.1