Assembling Java EE client applications
Application client projects contain programs that run on networked client systems. An application client project is deployed as a JAR file.
Assemble a client module to contain client application code. Group enterprise beans, web components, and resource adapter code in separate modules.
Use an assembly tool to assemble an application client module in any of the following ways:
- Import an existing application client JAR file.
- Create a new application client module.
- Start an assembly tool.
- If we have not done so already, configure the assembly tool for work on Java EE modules. Ensure that Java EE capability is enabled.
- Migrate application client JAR files created with the Assembly Toolkit, Application Assembly Tool (AAT) or a different tool to an assembly tool. To migrate files, import the application client JAR files to the assembly tool.
- Create a new client application.
- Verify the contents of the new client application in either of the following ways:
- In the Project Explorer view, expand Application Client Projects and view the new module.
- Click Window > Show View > Navigator to see the associated files for the application client module in a Navigator view.
What to do next
After you finish assembling all of the application's modules, we are ready to deploy the application.
Types of client applications Development and assembly tools Assemble applications