cleanupNode command
The cleanupNode command cleans up a node configuration from the cell repository.
Only use this command to clean up a node if we have a node defined in the cell configuration, but the node no longer exists.
Command syntax:
cleanupNode <node name> [deploymgr host] [deploymgr port] [options]
The first argument is required.
The following options are available for the cleanupNode command:
-quiet Suppresses the progress information that the cleanupNode command prints in normal mode. -trace Generates trace information into a log file for debugging purposes. -profileName The deployment manager profile to run the command against. This parameter must be specified if the default profile is not a dmgr profile.
Usage scenario
cleanupNode myNode -profileName dmgr
cleanupNode myNode -trace -profileName mydmgrSee also:
Use command-line tools