(Dist) Intelligent Management: hadmgrAdd command
The hadmgrAdd command incorporates a new deployment manager profile into a cell. The new deployment manager profile is converted to a highly available (HA) deployment manager peer in the same cell as the existing deployment manager profile.
Run the hadmgrAdd command within the new deployment manager profile being used added. The HA deployment manager function supports use of the JMX SOAP connector only. The JMX RMI connector is not supported in this configuration.
For transitioning users: The Intelligent Management command that equates to hadmgrAdd is xd_hadmgrAdd. If we are making the transition from WebSphere Virtual Enterprise, we can continue to use the xd_hadmgrAdd command, which operates the same as the hadmgrAdd command.trns
hadmgrAdd -hostname primary_dmgr_host [-port primary_dmgr_port] -configRoot fully_qualified_path_to_shared_configuration -workspaceRoot fully_qualified_path_to_workspace -proxyServerJmxSoapAddress JMX_SOAP_host:JMX_SOAP_port -proxyServerHttpPort HTTP_portHTTP_secure_port [-uniquePort] [-user user_name] [-password password] [-quiet] [-logfile file_name] [-replacelog] [-trace] [-help]The proxyServerJmxSoapAddress and proxyServerHttpPort parameters are required only when we are creating the first standby deployment manager.
The following options are available for the hadmgrAdd command:
- -hostname <host name>
- Host name used to connect to the existing deployment manager.
- -port <port>
- Default SOAP port used to connect to the existing deployment manager.
- -configRoot fully_qualified_path
- Fully-qualified configuration path.
- -workspaceRoot fully_qualified_path
- Fully-qualified workspace path.
- -proxyServerJmxSoapAddress <host:port>
- Host name and IP address of the on demand router (ODR) and the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS port for the ODR. Use this port to run wsadmin scripts.
- -proxyServerHttpPort <port> <secure_port>
- The HTTP ports for the proxy server. Select two free ports on the ODR and IP sprayer host. These ports should be used to access the administrative console by way of the ODR.
- -user <user name>
- User name used to connect to the existing deployment manager.
- -password <password>
- Password used to connect to the existing deployment manager.
- -quiet
- Suppresses the progress information that the hadmgrAdd command prints in normal mode.
- -logfile <filename>
- Location of the log file to which information gets written. By default, the hadmgrAdd.log file is created in the logs directory of the profile for the node being used added.
- -replacelog
- Replace the log file instead of appending to the current log. By default, the hadmgrAdd command appends to the existing trace file. This option causes the hadmgrAdd command to overwrite the trace file.
- -trace
- Generates additional trace information in the log file for debugging purposes.
- -uniquePort
- Checks for port conflict. If the new port is conflict with the existing ports, the new port increments by one until a free port is found. This process is not necessary if unique ports were assigned to the deployment manager profile when it was created.
- -help
- Displays syntax help.
- Start with an existing WAS Network Deployment cell installed and configured with the following directory structure:
- WAS home directory: app_server_root
- Existing deployment manager profile: /shared/profiles/PrimaryManagerNode
where the /shared mountpoint is on a SAN FS device.
- Run the Profile Management Tool plug-in or the wasprofile command line utility to create another deployment manager profile associated with this same Network Deployment installation. Create the profile on the shared disk, /shared mountpoint for this example.
Specify the correct host name for this deployment manager to listen on. We can specify the explicit port numbers for your standby deployment manager when we create the profile or we can specify the -uniquePort parameter when running the hadmgrAdd command, as shown in this example. We can specify any value for the cell name. During the conversion process the cell name value is changed to match the cell name to which the HA deployment manager peer is added. Specify a node name that is unique in the cell to which this HA deployment manager peer is added.
We have the following directory structure after creating the profile:
- WAS home directory: app_server_root
- Existing deployment manager profile: /shared/profiles/PrimaryManagerNode
- New deployment manager profile: /shared/profiles/StandbyManagerNode
- Run the hadmgrAdd command to convert the new deployment manager profile into an HA deployment manager peer in the same cell in which the existing deployment manager profile exists.
hadmgrAdd.sh|bat -hostname a.a.a.a -port 8879 -configRoot /shared/profiles/PrimaryManagerNode/config -workspaceRoot /shared/profiles/PrimaryManagerNode -proxyServerJmxSoapAddress x.x.x.x:8880 -proxyServerHttpPort 9060 9043 -user wsadmin -password ******** -uniquePort
If we install the centralized installation manager repository, and after we create the second deployment manager profile, change the value of the CENTRALIZED_INSTALL_REPOSITORY_ROOT property in the app_server_root\properties\cimgr.props file from c:\ProgramFiles\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\repository_folder to ${app_server_root}/repository_folder.
When we use the hadmgrAdd command, the following changes are made to the cell configuration:
- The new deployment manager is configured to use the same configuration repository instance as the existing deployment manager, which must be on a shared device with the existing deployment manager.
- The new deployment manager is configured to use the same specified workspace shared directory, which must be on a device shared with the existing deployment manager.
- The ODR is configured with the wc_admin and ws_admin_secure HTTP transport channels and the JMX_SOAP_PROXY_ADDRESS endpoint.
- The JMX_SOAP_CONNECTOR addresses of the deployment managers point to the JMX_SOAP_PROXY_ADDRESS of the ODR.
- The deployment managers have an added JMX_SOAP_PROXY_ADDRESS that holds the same configured host or port as their original JMX_SOAP_ADDRESS.
As a result of the configuration change, the ODR hosts the logical endpoints for the deployment manager and proxies communication requests for the deployment manager to the active deployment manager.
For example in a non-HA ODR configuration, the deployment manager configured host name points to the ODR.
Figure 1. ODR configuration without high availability
To eliminate the ODR as a single point of failure, set up a HA ODR configuration that has at least two on demand routers receiving traffic from an internet protocol spraying device. In this case, the deployment managers JMX_SOAP_ADDRESS configured host name points to the device.
Figure 2. High availability ODR configuration with two ODRs that includes an IP sprayer
The high availability deployment manager Intelligent Management: hadmgrRemove command