ServerStatsCache - Intelligent Management
This log file describes the server statistics cache.
This file is located in the log_root/visualization directory by default. We can configure the location of the visualization data service log files.
Usage notes
name Server name. node Node name. version Version of Intelligent Management running on the node. weight Dynamic workload management (dWLM) weight of the server. cpu Percentage of the processor being used used. usedMemory Number of kilobytes of memory used in the JVM run time. This statistic is available only for server instances containing WebSphere Application Server. uptime Number of milliseconds that JVM has been running. This statistic is available only for server instances containing WAS. totalRequests Number of total requests for the server. This statistic is available only for server instances containing WAS. If the environment contains other servers, including external WebSphere application servers, that run outside the Intelligent Management cell, we can manually calculate a value that is similar to the value of the totalRequests metric. Locate all entries for a particular server in the TCModuleInstanceStatsCache.log file. Using the beginning and end time stamps, calculate the sum of the serviced metric for the server. updateTime Time that the statistics were provided. db_averageResponseTime Average response time for the database server. db_throughput Throughput for the database server. highMemMark The highest amount of memory in megabytes consumed over the life span of the server. residentMemory The amount of physical memory not shared with other processes that the JVM is using in kilobytes. totalMemory Total amount of memory that the JVM is using in kilobytes. totalMethodCalls Total number of enterprise Java bean (EJB) module method calls.
Configure the visualization data service Intelligent Management: performance logs TCModuleInstanceStatsCache