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FindQualifier values for API functions in the UDDI registry

The find_xx API functions (find_business, find_service, find_binding, find_tModel and find_relatedBusinesses) accept an optional findQualifiers argument, which can contain multiple findQualifier values.

The following list contains the findQualifier short names, a brief description, and the appropriate find function.


That the identifierBag element uses AND behavior with keys, rather than OR behavior. This behavior is the default for the categoryBag and tModelBag elements. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, find_binding, and find_tModel functions. This value does not apply to the find_relatedBusinesses function.


That wildcard search behavior is required. This is no longer the default behavior; the default behavior is specified by the exactMatch value. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, find_binding, find_tModel, and find_relatedBusiness functions.


Specifies a faster sort using a binary sort by name, as represented in Unicode codepoints. This value applies only to the find_business, find_service and find_tModel functions.


This value is used only with a categoryBag element in the find_business or find_services functions.


That the matching behavior for name, keyValue, and keyName, where applicable, is not case-sensitive. By default, the matching behavior is case-sensitive. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, and find_tModel functions.


That the sorting behavior for name, keyValue, and keyName, where applicable, is not case-sensitive. By default, the sorting behavior is case-sensitive.


That the matching behavior for name, keyValue, and keyName, where applicable, is case-sensitive. This is the default behavior. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, find_binding, find_tModel, and find_relatedBusinesses functions.


That the sorting behavior for the result set is case-sensitive. This is the default behavior. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, and find_tModel functions.


For a find_business function, specifies that the categoryBag entries for the full businessEntity element behave as though all categoryBag elements found at the businessEntity level and in all contained or referenced businessService elements and bindingTemplate elements are combined.

For a find_service function, specifies that the categoryBag entries for the full businessService element behave as though all categoryBag elements found at the businessService level and in all contained or referenced elements in the bindingTemplate elements are combined.

This value applies only to the find_business and find_service functions.


That the matching behavior for name, keyValue, and keyName, where applicable, is performed without regard to diacritics, for example accent marks. This is an optional value that applies to the find_business, find_service, find_binding, find_tModel, and find_relatedBusinesses functions.


That the matching behavior for name, keyValue, and keyName, where applicable, is performed with regard to diacritics, for example accent marks. This is the default behavior. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, find_binding, find_tModel, and find_relatedBusinesses functions.


That only entries with names, keyValues, and keyNames, where applicable, that exactly match the name argument passed in, after normalization, are returned. The matching behavior is sensitive to case and diacritics, where applicable, and is the default behavior. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, find_binding, find_tModel, and find_relatedBusinesses functions.


That the result set is restricted to either entities that contain an XML digital signature element, or entities that are contained in an entity containing an XML digital signature element. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, find_binding, find_tModel, and find_relatedBusinesses functions.


That the tModelBag and categoryBag elements use OR behavior with the keys in a bag, rather than AND behavior. It is not possible to use OR behavior with the categories and retain the default AND behavior of the tModel entities. For the find_business function, this is the default behavior for the identifierBag element. This value applies to the find_service, find_binding (for categoryBag and tModelBag) and find_tModel functions, where it is the default behavior for the identifierBag element and applies to the categoryBag element.


That when a categoryBag or identifierBag element contains multiple keyedReference elements, the elements use OR behavior with any keyedReference filters that come from the same namespace, that is, the filters have the same tModelKey value, rather than AND behavior. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, find_binding, and find_tModel functions.


That the component of the search that involves categorization uses only the categoryBag elements from contained or referenced businessService elements in the registered data, and ignores any entries found in the categoryBag that are not direct descendent elements of registered businessEntity elements. This value applies only to the find_business function with the categoryBag element.


That the result set that a find or get inquiry API returns is sorted on the name field in ascending order. This value takes precedence over sortByDateAsc and sortByDateDesc values, but if a sortByDateXxx value is used without a sortByNameXxx value, the result set is sorted by date, regardless of the name field. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, find_tModel, and find_relatedBusinesses functions.


That the result set that a find or get inquiry API returns is sorted on the name field in descending order. This value takes precedence over sortByDateAsc and sortByDateDesc values, but if a sortByDateXxx value is used without a sortByNameXxx value, the result set is sorted by date, regardless of the name field. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, find_tModel, and find_relatedBusinesses functions.


That the result set that a find or get inquiry API returns is sorted on the most recent date when each entity, or any entities that they contain, were last updated, in ascending chronological order, that is, the oldest entity is returned first. If this value is used with a sortByNameXxx value, the name-based sort takes precedence over the date-based sort, that is, the results are sorted by name, then within names by date, oldest to newest. This is the default behavior for the find_binding function. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, find_tModel, and find_relatedBusinesses functions.


That the result set that a find or get inquiry API returns is sorted on the most recent date when each entity, or any entities that they contain, were last updated, in descending chronological order, that is, the most recently changed entity is returned first. If this value is used with a sortByNameXxx value, the name-based sort takes precedence over the date-based sort, that is, the results are sorted by name, then within names by date, newest to oldest. This value applies to the find_business, find_service, find_binding, find_tModel and find_relatedBusinesses functions.


That a find_service or find_business function must not return service projections. This value is enabled by default whenever the find_service function is used without a businessKey key. This value applies to the find_business and find_service functions.

For further details on the findQualifiers, refer to the UDDI Version 3 Specification documentation.

  • UDDI registry client programming
  • UDDI Version 3.0.2 Specification