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JSP run time compilation settings

By default, the JavaServer Pages (JSP) engine translates a requested JSP file, compiles the .java file, and loads the compiled servlet into the run time environment. We can change the JSP engine default behavior by indicating that a JSP file must not be translated or compiled at run time, even when a .class file does not exist.

If run time compilation is disabled, we must precompile the JSP files, which provides the following advantages:

We can disable run time JSP file compilation on a global or an individual web application basis:

If we disable run time compilation and a request arrives for a JSP file that does not have a matching .class file, the JSP engine returns the following 404 error to the browser:

Error 404: SRVE0200E: Servlet [org.apache.jsp._jsp1]: Could not find required servlet class - _jsp1.class
In this case, an exception is written to the System Out (SYSOUT) and First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) logs. (ZOS) In this case, an exception is written to the joblog (SYSPRINT) file if the ras_trace_outputLocation property in the was.env file is set to SYSPRINT, or to CTRACE if ras_trace_outputLocation is set to BUFFER.

If a JSP file has a matching .class file but that file is out of date, the JSP engine still loads the .class file into memory.


  • JavaServer Pages
  • Developing web applications
  • Custom property settings
  • Web container custom properties