Batch compiler ant task
The ant task JspC exposes all the batch compiler configuration options. It runs the batch compiler under the covers. It is backward compatible with the WebSphere Application Server 5.x version of the JspC ant task. The following table lists all of the ant task attributes and their batch compiler equivalents.
JspC attribute Equivalent batch compiler parameter earPath -ear.path warPath -war.path src Same as warPath, for backward compatiblity
-war.path enterpriseAppName responseFile -response.file webmoduleName fileName -filename -config.root configRoot -config.root cellName nodeName serverName profileName -profileName extractToDir -extractToDir compileToDir same as compileToDir, for backward compatibility
-compileToDir -compileToDir compileToWebInf -compileToWebInf compilerOptions -compilerOptions recurse -recurse removeTempDir -removeTempDir translate -translate compile -compile forceCompilation -forceCompilation useFullPackageNames -useFullPackageNames trackDependencies -trackDependencies createDebugClassfiles -createDebugClassfiles keepgenerated -keepgenerated keepGeneratedclassfiles -keepGeneratedclassfiles usePageTagPool -usePageTagPool useThreadTagPool -useThreadTagPool classloaderParentFirst -classloader.parentFirst classloaderSingleWarClassloader -classloader.singleWarClassloader additionalClasspath -additional.classpath classpath same as additionalClasspath, for backward compatibility
-additional.classpath verbose -verbose deprecation -deprecation javaEncoding -javaEncoding compileWithAssert -compileWithAssert useJikes -useJikes jspFileExtensions -jsp.file.extensions logLevel -log.level wasHome none Classpathref none jdkSourceLevel -jdkSourceLevel The following example illustrates a build script with multiple targets, each with different attributes. The following commands are used to launch the script:
On Windows:
ws_ant -Dwas.home=%WAS_HOME% -Dear.path=%EAR_PATH% -Dextract.dir=%EXTRACT_DIR% ws_ant jspc2 -Dwas.home=%WAS_HOME% ws_ant jspc3 -Dwas.home=%WAS_HOME% UNIX or i5/OS™:
ws_ant -Dwas.home=$WAS_HOME -Dear.path=$EAR_PATH -Dextract.dir=$EXTRACT_DIR ws_ant jspc2 -Dwas.home=$WAS_HOME$APP_NAME$MOD_NAME ws_ant jspc3 -Dwas.home=$WAS_HOME$APP_NAME$MOD_NAME$DIR_NAMEExample build.xml file using the JspC task
<project name="JSP Precompile" default="jspc1" basedir="."> <taskdef name="wsjspc" classname=""/> <target name="jspc1" description="example using a path to an EAR, and extracting the EAR to a directory"> <wsjspc wasHome="${was.home}" earpath="${ear.path}" forcecompilation="true" extractToDir="${extract.dir}" useThreadTagPool="true" keepgenerated="true" /> </target> <target name="jspc2" description="example using an enterprise app and webmodule"> <wsjspc wasHome="${was.home}" enterpriseAppName="${}" webmoduleName="${}" removeTempDir="true" forcecompilation="true" keepgenerated="true" /> </target> <target name="jspc3" description="example using an enterprise app, webmodule and specific directory"> <wsjspc wasHome="${was.home}" enterpriseAppName="${}" webmoduleName="${}" fileName="${}" recurse="false" forcecompilation="true" keepgenerated="true" /> </target> </project>
JavaServer Pages JSPBatchCompiler command Web applications: Resources for learning