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UDDI Publication [Settings]

Describes the manner in which the WSDL describing an inbound service is published to a UDDI registry.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Services] Inbound Services -> service_name -> [Additional Properties] UDDI publication -> publication_name.

Configuration tab

The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted.

General Properties


The name of this UDDI publication property.

This name must be unique, and it must obey the following syntax rules:

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type String


An optional description of the UDDI publication properties.

Information Value
Required No
Data type Text area

UDDI reference

The reference of the UDDI registry to which WSDL is to be published.

A UDDI reference is a pointer to a UDDI registry. The UDDI references in the list are those that we added using the administrative console option Service integration -> Web services -> UDDI References. Select a UDDI reference that can access the UDDI business category under which we want to publish this service.

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type Custom

Business key

The key of the business within which this service is to be published.

The business key identifies the business category under which we want your service to appear in UDDI. To get a list of valid business keys, look up businesses in a UDDI registry. Here is an example of a UDDI business key: 08A536DC-3482-4E18-BFEC-2E2A23630526.

Information Value
Required Yes
Data type Custom

Published service key

The key of the service as published to the UDDI registry.

This is the service-specific part of the UDDI service key.

When a service is published to UDDI, the registry assigns a service key to the service.

After the service has been published we can get the service key from the target UDDI registry.

Here is an example of a full UDDI service key:

The service-specific part of this key is the final part:

Information Value
Required No
Data type String

Custom HTTP URL for WSDL publication

The HTTP URL root of the servlet that is to serve the WSDL that describes this service.

Information Value
Required No
Data type String