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WS-ReliableMessaging known restrictions

The main known restrictions that apply to the implementation of WS-ReliableMessaging in WebSphere Application Server.

IBM HTTP Server is not supported as a proxy server with WS-ReliableMessaging

When WS-ReliableMessaging is enabled, we cannot use IBM HTTP Server as a proxy server to route responses back to an individual server in a clustered environment. If we use IBM HTTP Server in this scenario, replies to protocol messages, such as WS-ReliableMessaging CreateSequenceResponse messages, are not routed back to the originating server. This is because WS-ReliableMessaging protocol messages use WS-Addressing affinity headers to ensure that the protocol responses are routed back to the originating server. These affinity headers are supported in IBM WAS proxy server, but are not supported in IBM HTTP Server.

Use the IBM WAS proxy server to route messages from and back to the cluster, instead of IBM HTTP Server.

A WS-ReliableMessaging policy can only be applied at application or service level.

We can only apply a WS-ReliableMessaging policy at application level or service level.

If we apply reliable messaging at service level, then all services must use the same WS-ReliableMessaging policy and bindings values.

Attach any policy set at operation level. For a policy set that includes the WS-ReliableMessaging policy, attachment at the operation level configures the other components of the policy set (for example WS-Security and WS-Addressing) but any WS-ReliableMessaging configuration at operation level is ignored.

WS-SecureConversation must expect the WS-ReliableMessaging headers to be signed

Although secure conversation allows message headers to remain unsigned, the reliable messaging policy requires the reliable messaging headers to be signed. To use secure conversation and reliable messaging policies in the same policy set, the secure conversation bindings must be configured to require that the reliable messaging headers are signed.

The reliable secure profile default policy sets (WS-I RSP and WS-I RSP ND) are specifically designed and configured to use secure conversation and reliable messaging in the same policy set. If we use a copy of one of the reliable secure profile default policy sets (WS-I RSP and WS-I RSP ND), no further configuration of the secure conversation bindings is required. Otherwise, see Configure WS-SecureConversation to work with WS-ReliableMessaging.

  • WS-ReliableMessaging