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OAuth MBeans

We can manage an OAuth configuration using MBean programming.


addClient - Register a new OAuth client.

removeClient - Unregister an existing OAuth client.


reloadAllProviders - Reload all OAuth providers from the definition files on the file system.

reloadProvider - Reload an individual OAuth provider from the definition file on the file system.

updateProvider - Update parameters for an OAuth provider.

createProvider - Create a new OAuth provider and persists it to the file system.

deleteProvider - Delete an OAuth provider and its definition file.

updateProviderParameter - Update one parameter for an OAuth provider.

deleteProviderParameter - Delete one parameter from an OAuth provider.

removeOAuthTokenByClientID - Remove or revokes an OAuth token issued to the client ID and authorized by the user.

removeAllOAuthTokenByClientID - Remove all OAuth tokens issued to the client ID.

removeAllOAuthTokenByUser - Remove all OAuth tokens issued by the user.