WebSphere Web services
Apache Axis2
The WebSphere team contributed a large percentage of the JAX-RPC specification to the Apache Axis community. Apache Axis is messaging-centric asynchronous model of the web services runtime. based on the StAX architecture entitled Apache Axis2.
WebSphere full profile uses a version of Apache Axis2 as part of its implementation. As a result, one might see messages during tracing or within call stacks that reflect its Apache Axis2 origins. WebSphere full profile only supports JAX-WS and the deployment model as documented in the IBM Knowledge Center. Native use of Apache Axis2 APIs is not supported in the full profle.The WebSphere team contributed to the Apache CXF implementation. The Liberty profile web services container leverages Apache CXF. As with the WebSphere full profile, the Liberty profile only supports the JAX-WS programming and deployment model documented in the IBM Knowledge Center. Native use of Apache CXF is not supported in the Liberty profile.
IBM development tools
Rational Application Developer has assembly tools for creatng deploying code artifacts (archives and modules), and related deployment descriptors.
Web Services for Java EE
WAS v9.0 is based on Web Services for Java EE 6 and Java EE 5. Prior to Java EE 5, the specification name was J2EE. WAS v6.x is based on J2EE 1.4. For WAS v5.0.2 and Version 5.1.x, the Web Services for J2EE Version 1.0 specification is an addition to J2EE 1.3. The J2EE specification 1.4 requires support for Web Services for J2EE Version 1.1. Minor differences exist between the J2EE 1.3 Version (JSR-109 Version 1.0) and the J2EE 1.4 Version (JSR-109 Version 1.1).
Web services standards
We can review the standards and specifications supported by WAS for the web services run time in the specifications and API information.
Interoperation with SOAP implementations such as .NET
WAS supports Web services that are consistent with the WS-I Basic Profile, and should interoperate with any other vendor conforming to this specification.
JavaBeans component for web service using SOAP over JMS
The SOAP over JMS support provides access only to enterprise beans-based web services To use a JavaBeans implementation instead of an enterprise bean to implement the service endpoint, create a facade enterprise bean that delegates to the JavaBeans implementation.
Does SOAP over JMS support interoperation with other vendors
WAS v7.0 introduced support for SOAP over Java Message Service to enable interoperability between different vendors.
Multiple clients making simultaneous requests
When using two-way web services operations, the client can choose to use a permanent reply queue or the web services run time will, by default, use a temporary JMS queue. When the client issues a two-way request, the underlying web services run time creates a temporary JMS queue, if a permanent queue is not being used, to receive the response. The reply queue, either temporary or permanent, is specified as the replyTo destination that is in the outgoing JMS request message. After the server processes the request, it directs the response to the replyTo destination specified in the request message. The client deletes the temporary queue, if a permanent queue was not used, after the response is received. The server can handle simultaneous requests from multiple clients because each incoming request message contains the destination to which the reply is sent.
Development and assembly tools Troubleshoot web services Web services specifications and APIs