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(ZOS) UNIX System Services automation and recovery scenarios

This table provides automation and recovery scenarios for using UNIX System Services.

Task UNIX System Services automation and recovery scenarios
Startup UNIX System Services is a permanent component of MVS and is started automatically at IPL time.
Shutdown We can use the MODIFY command to control z/OS UNIX System Services and to terminate a z/OS UNIX process or thread. We can also use it to shut down z/OS UNIX initiators and to request a SYSMDUMP for a process.

For more information on the MODIFY command see z/OS MVS System Commands, SA22-7627.

Handling in-flight or indoubt transactions if there is a failure The only data that could be considered transactional in nature is data stored in the HFS.
How to determine if UNIX System Services is running UNIX System Services is always available as long as the system is up and running.
What happens to WebSphere for z/OS if UNIX System Services goes down? If UNIX System Services fails, the system must be re-IPLed, or we can use the MODIFY OMVS command to recycle z/OS UNIX System Services. This is an alternative to re-IPLing the system in order to reinitialize the z/OS UNIX System Services environment. This command should be used only on a limited basis when complete reinitialization and reconfiguration are required. Prior to issuing MODIFY OMVS to initiate a shutdown, review the information about shutdown in z/OS UNIX System Services Planning.

For more information on the MODIFY command see z/OS MVS System Commands, SA22-7627.

What happens to other subsystems if UNIX System Services goes down? If UNIX System Services fails, then other subsystems will be adversely affected until the problem is resolved. The system must be re-IPLed, or we can use the MODIFY OMVS command to recycle z/OS UNIX System Services. This is an alternative to re-IPLing the system in order to reinitialize the z/OS UNIX System Services environment. This command should be used only on a limited basis when complete reinitialization and reconfiguration are required. Prior to issuing MODIFY OMVS to initiate a shutdown, review the information about shutdown in z/OS UNIX System Services Planning.

For more information on the MODIFY command see z/OS MVS System Commands, SA22-7627.

Where to find more information z/OS UNIX System Services Planning

  • Diagnose problems (using diagnosis tools)
  • Automation and recovery scenarios and guidelines
  • z/OS MVS System Commands, SA22-7627