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(ZOS) Error log stream record output

This article provides two samples of error log stream output and explains the various attributes they contain.

There are two error log stream records:

If we do not want the message tag to be included in the error log output:

  1. In the administrative console, click Environment > WebSphere variables.

  2. Select the appropriate scope> New.

  3. Enter ras_error_log_version in the Name field and 2 in the Value field.

  4. Save and synchronize changes, and then stop, and restart the server.

If we do not want the message tag and the name of the cell, node, and cluster to be included in the error log output:

  1. In the administrative console, click Environment > WebSphere variables.

  2. Select the appropriate scope> New.

  3. Enter ras_error_log_version in the Name field and 1 in the Value field.

  4. Save and synchronize changes, and then stop, and restart the server.

Sample output from a server logstream: The numbers to the left of each sample were added to specify lines. The numbers will not be in the actual output.

1|  2008/11/19 22:17:46.325 03 SYSTEM=ATZ3013 CELL=BBOCELL
2|  ASID=0X0053 PID=0X0200025E TID=0X00000045 0XCCDF70CC c=./bbgrjtr.cpp at
3|  tag=classlvl... TRAS0028I: The trace output is stored

The log stream record output fields from stream BBO.BOSSXXXX are:

Component Description
line 1:
2008/11/19 22:17:46.325 03
Date / timestamp / 2-digit record version number
line 1:
System name
line 1:
Cell name
line 1:
Node name
line 1:
Cluster name
line 1:
Server name
line 1:
line 2:
ASID (address space identifier)
line 2:
PID (Process ID)
line 2:
TID=0X24F858A0 0X000004
TID (Thread ID)
line 2:
Request correlation information
line 3:
. /bbooreq.cpp+4437
File name & line
line 3:
Message tag defined in the classification file
line 3:
Log message number
line 3:
The function...
Log message
lines 4-5:
make_user_exception... CosNaming::Naming...
Continuation lines: Continuation of the Log Stream log message

Each field is delimited by a blank.

Sample output from CERR of a server:

1|  BossLog: { 0017} 2008/10/01 15:58:25.557 03 SYSTEM=SY1 CELL=BBOCELL NODE=BBONODE  CLUSTER=BBOC001 
2|  SERVER=BBOS001 JobName=BBOS001S PID=0X0100003C TID=0X24F82920 00000000  c=3.C5D02
3|  ./bboiroot.cpp+1195 tag=classlvl... BBOU0012W The function IRootHomeImpl::findHome(
4|   const char*)+1195 received CORBA system exception CORBA::INTERNAL.
5|   Error code is C9C21200. 

The CERR job message output fields are:

Component Description
line 1:
BossLog: { 0017}
BossLog: {entry number}
line 1:
2000/06/01 15:58:25.557 03
Date / timestamp / 2-digit record version number
line 1:
System name
line 1:
Cell name
line 1:
Node name
line 1:
Cluster name
line 1:

Server name
line 1:
Job name
line 2:
PID (Process ID)
line 2:
TID=0X24F82920 00000000
TID (Thread ID)
line 2:
Request correlation information
line 3:
. /bboiroot.cpp+1195
File name & line
line 3:
Message tag defined in the Classification file
line 3:
Log message number
line 3:
The function IRootHomeImpl::find...
Log message
lines 4-5:
const char*)+1195 received CORBA 
system exception CORBA::INTERNAL. 
Error code is C9C21200.
Continuation lines: Continuation lines of the CERR job message

Saving your BBORBLOG browser output

When we use the BBORBLOG browser, it creates a data set with your user ID, followed by the log stream name. We should rename it if you wish to save your browser output. The contents of the current view of the log stream will remain until the stream reaches its retention date. The next time you invoke the browser; however, the current view of the log stream will be deleted because it uses the same data set name. The previous data will exist in another record, not the current view, until its retention date.

  • View error log contents through the Log Browse Utility (BBORBLOG)
  • Choosing diagnostic information sources
  • Use the log browse utility (BBORBLOG)