(ZOS) WAS for z/OS (Daemon) automation and recovery scenarios
This article provides some scenarios for automation and recovery of WebSphere Application Server for z/OS .
Task WAS for z/OS (daemon) automation and recovery scenarios Startup See the instructions described in the where to perform WAS operations documentation. Shutdown See the instructions described in the where to perform WAS operations documentation. Handling inflight or indoubt transactions if there is a failure The daemon is a location agent. If the daemon fails during the course of a transaction, locate requests to the daemon can fail. These request failures might be surfaced by the client ORB. If the client is a WAS for z/OS client running in a sysplex, the locate request can be routed to another available daemon in the sysplex, if present. How to determine if the daemon is running Use the MVS™ display command. What happens to WAS for z/OS if the daemon goes down? If the daemon goes down, all WAS for z/OS servers started on the same system also are terminated. What happens to other subsystems if the daemon goes down? Other subsystems continue to work fine. As a general rule, if the servers on multiple systems are defined in cluster and there is another one in the sysplex, if the daemon goes down, clients are not affected. What happens when the file system crashes? File handles are basically pointers to the file system. When the file system crashes, those pointers are invalid, and there is no mechanism in place to reestablish those pointers when the file system comes back up. All servers connected to the failing file systems must be restarted after a file system crashes.
Diagnose problems (using diagnosis tools) Automation and recovery scenarios and guidelines Where to perform WAS operations