Administrative console does not start even though installation completes
If we can bring up the browser page, but the administrative console behavior is inconsistent, error prone, or unresponsive, try upgrading your browser. Older browsers might not support all the features of the administrative console. (ZOS) For a listing of supported web browsers, see the Supported hardware and software web page.
See IBM Support
Internal Server Error, Page cannot be found, 404, or similar error occurs trying to view the administrative console
Here are some steps to try if we are unable to view the administrative console:
- (iSeries) Verify that the application server that supports the administrative console is up and running. For a base configuration, the administrative console is deployed by default on server1.
(Dist) Before viewing the administrative console, we must take one of the following actions:
- Run the startServer server1 command for the Windows platform from a command prompt in the install_dir\bindirectory, or the ./ server1 command for operating systems such as AIX or Linux.
- Click the Start the server link from the First steps console.
- Start WebSphere Application Server as a service or from the Start menu, if we are using a Windows operating system.
(iSeries) Before viewing the administrative console, run the startServer Qshell script.
- If we are using the deployment manager for a multinode configuration, run the startManager command from the Network_Deployment_install_dir\bin directory.
- (iSeries) If we are using the deployment manager for a multi-node configuration, run the startManager command.
- (iSeries) View the SystemOut.log file for the application server or the deployment manager to verify that the server that supports the administrative console started.
- Verify that the application server which supports the administrative console is up and running.
- For a base configuration, the administrative console is deployed by default on server1. Before viewing the administrative console, verify that server1 is running. Do so by issuing the following command on the MVS console to list active processes: D A,L
See z/OS MVS System Commands for information on how to use MVS operator commands. Check for the application server procedure name of BB05ACR with the server short name of BB0S001. If it is not running, enter on the MVS console:
START appserver_proc_name,JOBNAME=server_short_name, ENV=cell_short_name.node_short_name.server_short_name
- For a network deployment configuration, the deployment manager runs the administrative console. For example, to start the deployment manager, we can issue the following command from the MVS console:
- View the joblog or stdout for the application server or deployment manager to verify that the server supporting the administrative console has started.
- Check the web address we use to view the console. By default, this address is http://server:9060/ibm/console, where server is the host name.
- (iSeries) If we are browsing the administrative console from a remote machine, try to eliminate connection, address and firewall issues by pinging the server machine from a command prompt, using the server name in the web address.
- Try to eliminate connection, address and firewall issues by pinging the server machine from a command prompt, using the server name in the URL.
- If we have never been able to access the administrative console see the topic on troubleshooting installation.
- (iSeries) If we have never been able to access the administrative console see the topic on installation troubleshooting tips.
Unable to process login. Check user ID and password and try again. error occurs when trying to access the administrative console page
This error indicates that security is enabled for WAS, and that the user ID or password supplied is either not valid or not authorized to access the console.
To access the console:
- If we are the administrator, use the ID defined as the security administrative ID. This ID is stored in the WAS security.xml file.
- (iSeries) If we are not the administrator, ask the administrator to enable your ID for the administrative console.
The directory paths in the administrative console contain strange characters
Directory paths used for class paths or resources specified in a development tool, in configuration files, or elsewhere that contain strange characters when they are viewed in the administrative console might result from the Java run time interpreting a backslash (\) as a control character.
To resolve this problem, modify Windows-style class paths by replacing occurrences of single back slashes to two. For example, change c:\MyFiles\MyJsp.jsp to c:\\MyFiles\\MyJsp.jsp.
(ZOS) To resolve, make sure we have no back slashes in your class paths. Replace any back slashes with forward slashes.
Troubleshoot administration (iSeries) Restart the deployment manager High Performance Extensible Logging